Warning Ilyas

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Faysal grabbed a chain and threw it around Charlotte, She swung her sword and broke the chain. Nonnie waved her hand in attempt to use her magic but it didn't work, Charlotte laughed and showed Nonnie the ring, "Shit," Nonnie said. Kenny pushed Charlotte to the floor and Niko grabbed the sword, "Baby please-" Niko quickly interrupted Charlotte, "SHUT UP!!!" Niko yelled, Darkest got up and took the sword from Niko and raised it to Kenny, "Move," Darkest demanded, "How are you alive?" Kenny asked, "I'm what some might call a healer," Darkest said with a grin, "Fucking snake," Nonnie said, "I really enjoyed talking to you, and you're a really funny person, Unfortunately, you chose the wrong side," Darkest said and helped Charlotte up. Darkest turned to Faysal, "Let's go," He said, "Wait what?" Kenny asked, Faysal remained silent and walked over to Darkest & Charlotte, "This was never my plan, It was my fathers," Charlotte said with a smile, "And it was written ten years ago," Darkest said, The three of them slowly backed out of the dungeon.

Niko tried to run after them but by the time he got outside they were already riding away in their carriage, "What now?" Kenny asked, "I must speak with my sister immediately," Nonnie said, "Where's your sister?" Kenny asked, "Come on," Nonnie said and ran out of the dungeon. Kenny and Niko followed Nonnie to a stone wall, Nonnie touched one of the stones and the wall began to disappear and reveal Chunkztopia. "Woah," Kenny said. Nonnie and Niko walked through the wall, "We don't have time for you to be amazed let's go," Nonnie said frustratingly, Kenny walked through the wall into chunkztopia. The three of them marched to the castle, "May I help you?" Paris asked, "Ricki's my sister I'm here to speak with her," Nonnie demanded, "Ricki doesn't have a sister," Paris said, "Are you deaf or stupid?" Nonnie asked, "Excuse me?" Paris asked, "Who are you?" Paris asked, "Paris let her in," Ilyas said, "But father-" Ilyas interrupted, "Let her in," He demanded.

Paris stepped aside and let them enter, "I assume there's an emergency," Ilyas said, "King Ilyas, Darkest has escaped," Nonnie said, "Darkest, I was hoping he'd rot to death in prison," Ilyas said with a smile, "Sir, He and Charlotte have the diamond," Nonnie said, Ilyas smile faded, "For a decade your people have protected that diamond, How did it get back to Darkest and his awful offspring?" Ilyas asked, "It was their master plan they came up with ten years ago," Kenny said, Ilyas looked him up and down then turned to Nonnie, "I thought you and Rin were a thing, Who's this?" Ilyas asked, " Rin and I are just friends nothing more." Nonnie replied, "That's good, Can't say I feel the same about my ex-wife," Ilyas said, "Which one?" Nonnie asked, "The third one, She really pissed me off her and her annoying child," Ilyas said.

"Speaking of that annoying child, He's dead," Nonnie said, "Good," Ilyas said, "He was the queen of sharknation," Nonnie said, "Queen Aj?" Kenny asked, "You never told me the peasants name," Ilyas reminded Nonnie, "His name is Kenny," Nonnie said, "Kenny the commoner, And the tall one?" Ilyas said, "Niko," Nonnie replied, "So you're looking for Ricki?" Ilyas asked, "Yes," Nonnie replied, "I'm guessing she's sensed you and is on her way by now," Ilyas said, "I sense her so I believe she is near by," Nonnie said, "Well make yourself at home but don't bother Chunkz I know things between you and Rin didn't work out but you are not-" Nonnie interrupted Ilyas, "Trust me I'm not interested in Chunkz," Nonnie said, "Good." Ilyas said and walked away.

"You and Rin had a thing?" Kenny asked, "No, He just says that because I'm the only person Rin somewhat cares about," Nonnie replied, "Somewhat cares about?" Kenny asked, "So you don't have a boyfriend?" Niko asked, "No," Nonnie replied, "Do you want a boyfriend?" Niko asked, "I'll cut your heart out and send it to Charlotte with a note saying "I stole this," If you don't shut up." Nonnie said, "Women are crazy," Kenny said, "Sex with a crazy woman is the best kind of sex," Niko said, "Really?" Kenny asked, "Both of you shut the hell up," Nonnie demanded.

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