The Oracle

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They all walked into the dark foggy forest, "So you can do magic?" Chunkz asked Ricki, "She can do many things Chunkz," A woman said, "Oh hell" Ricki whispered, A woman laughed and a light began to shine. "Don't be frightened, I'm only here to help," The woman said, "Banora cut the shit," Nonnie demanded, Banora laughed and stepped out of the shadows, "You were a little scared weren't you?" Banora asked, "Who are you?" Chunkz asked, "You're in my forest and you're asking who I am?" Banora asked, "You're the oracle," Kenny said, "That's one of my names but most people call me crazy," Banora said and giggled, "She is off her head," Chunkz whispered, "No use whispering I hear everything," Banora said and walked up to a cauldron.

"So you are here in search of a way to kill a healer," Banora said as she began sturring something in her cauldron, "We need to kill darkest," Ricki said, "Darkest? He's a hard one," Banora said, "I thought you could kill any healer," Niko said, "Darkest is a very rare healer," Banora said, "How?" Kenny asked, "He carries the dragon spirit within him," Banora replied, "I thought he said Charlotte had that," Kenny said, "Unlike darkest, Charlotte was born with part of the dragon spirit in her," Banora said, Chunkz rubbed his forehead and Niko sat on the ground. Nonnie stood there staring into the cauldron, Banora looked at her, "What do you see?" Banora asked, "I see- I see my mom," Nonnie replied, "What?" Ricki asked, "What is she doing?" Banora asked, "She looks scared or worried," Nonnie replied.

"Why is she scared?" Ricki asked, "There's someone with her, But I can't see their face," Nonnie replied, "Who-" Ricki tried to speak but Banora interrupted her, "Let her do this alone," Banora said, "Mom?" Nonnie asked and tears began to roll down her cheek, "This is so dramatic," Niko whispered, "NO!!!" Nonnie yelled, "What happened?" Ricki asked, "She was murdered," Nonnie said softly, "By who?" Ricki asked, Nonnie turned around slowly, "Nonnie are you ok?" Ricki asked, Nonnie looked at Niko and her eyes began to turn white, "What's happening?" Chunkz asked, "Run," Ricki said, "What?" Chunkz asked, "All three of you need to run, NOW!!!" Ricki demanded, "Why?" Niko asked worryingly, "It's your only option," Banora said, Chunkz immediately turned around and ran away with Kenny following him.

"You killed my mother," Nonnie said angrily, Ricki stood in front of Niko, "Nonnie listen to me," Ricki said, "I know you want to kill him but he's the only one who can help us stop Charlotte," Ricki said, "OUR MOTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF HIM!!!!" Nonnie shouted angrily, "No, I- I killed the queen, I know I did," Niko said, "You killed a queen, just not the one you intended to kill," Banora said, "No, I know I killed Zaynab," Niko said, Banora stood in front of Ricki, "Your mother sacrificed herself, She knew Niko was planning to kill Queen Zaynab so they switched places to save Zaynab," Banora said, Nonnie started to calm down, "Her mission was to protect Zaynab at all cost, Her life was the price she chose to pay," Banora said, Nonnie's eyes turned back to their natural color, "I understand your anger, But your mother chose this for herself," Banora said, "Why? Why did she leave us?" Nonnie asked herself, "She raised two very strong young women and she knew you were both ready," Banora replied.

"I wish she were here," Nonnie said softly, Rick hugged Nonnie, "I miss her too," Ricki whispered to Nonnie, Banora waved her finger, and Chunkz and Kenny appeared, "How did we get back here?" Chunkz asked, "Everything is calm now," Banora replied, "Are you sure? Her eyes were white," Chunkz said with worry, Ricki let go of Nonnie, "Unfortunately your mother's mission is not complete," Banora said, "What do you mean?" Ricki asked, "Queen Zaynab is very much alive," Banora said, "Why hasn't she returned to her kingdom?" Nonnie asked, "She's unable to, your mother and queen Zaynab traded lives in doing so Zaynab was bound to-" Nonnie interrupted Banora, "The cloud realm," Nonnie said, "The what?" Kenny asked, "Home of the guardians," Ricki replied, "But she said cloud realm, Key word realm, We have to go to another realm?" Niko asked, "I'm not going to another realm," Chunkz said.

"If Queen Zaynab is alive she may be able to help us," Nonnie suggested, "Are you deaf? I just said I'm not going to a different realm," Chunkz said, "How do you know you can trust this woman?" Kenny asked, "I'm an Oracle, It's my life's work to know everything," Banora replied, "So how does this all end?" Kenny asked, "Well it could've ended in death for all of you and an evil uprising for Charlotte, But the story has changed," Banora replied, "What does that mean?" Kenny asked, "The possibilities are endless," Banora said with a smile, "You are absolutely insane," Chunkz said, "You have no idea," Banora said and laughed, A doorway suddenly opened leading to the cloud realm, "Are you sure about this? It's very risky," Ricki said, "I'm willing to take any risk if it means putting an end to all of this," Nonnie said. Banora picked up a vial, "You won't come back," Banora said and handed the vial to Nonnie.

Nonnie took the vial, "What makes you think that?" Nonnie asked, "You're finishing your mother's mission," Banora said, Nonnie smiled "You're not as bad as they make you seem," Nonnie said, "Understand something protecting Zaynab means protecting her kingdom," Banora said, "And her sons," Nonnie said, Banora smiled, "Stand up and finish your mother's mission," Banora said, Nonnie walked into the doorway with Ricki following her. "Niko," Banora said, "Yeah?" Niko asked, "Only you can go with them," Banora said, "Why only him?" Chunkz asked, "Niko is the only one who knows Charlotte's next move, He can help," Banora replied, "So I have to stay in this scary forest with a crazy woman and a peasant?" Chunkz asked, "I'm not crazy, Just different," Banora said with a smile, Niko didn't ask any questions he was very hesitant, but he stepped inside the doorway and watched it close behind him.

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