If you believe you can, then you can.
___ lover of the dawn.
Note: bold letters are for the readers and the italicized ones are my thoughts. Happy reading. *Wink*.
And before you start, you must have read the prologue. . Well it's not really that good. I know that too but you can choose to ignore it.
I wrote that long long ago so my writing is still not that perfect then but I am improving on it.Also, the chapters are not a long one and the part are also not too much. A good detailed story doesn't need too much writing, just what you need to say matters.
Don't forget to click those amazing stars and leave your comment. . I mean, the good ones. Thank you for giving me a chance. I remain your beloved writer👌.
End of talk.
It's end of weekend which means end of my rest days and i will soon be welcoming my doom days back.
Just the thought of those stressful weekdays make me sigh as i sat on the cushion in front of my medium size mirror.
If you ask me what i was doing. . Well i was preparing to go to bed. As usual. I finish my dinner, wash up the sweat and stress and apply my smooth precious LISA face lotion so that my pretty face would live to it glory.
But all that can't happen. Not until i turn on my loud boom speaker and enjoy every beat it give me.
I hummed softly to the music playing in the speaker. It's my favorite song. Cheap thrills by SIA.
You should listen to that song. It's sweet and it's gives the right vibes, trust me.
'C'mon, c'mon'
'Turn the radio on'
'it's Friday night and i won't be long'
'gotta do my hair'
'and put some make up on'
'it's Friday night and i won't be long'
'i got all i need. . . 'Like that, i sing to my music and rock gently on the cushion. I apply my lotion gently to my face and those heavy bags under my eyes.
I knew one thing is yet to be done. The management call have yet to come. They always do that when those stupid arrogant neighbors report me for disturbing their peace with my cute lovely speaker.
Just what have I done wrong? I was just listening to my music and that's all. I paid full rent at least. Fuck them.
I increased the volume and i laughed inward knowing that their head would probably want to burst now from anger.
Five, four, three, two, one. . .
The piercing ring of my cellphone then came.
Those bitches. I laughed to myself. They are probably cursing me right now.
I waited for five seconds before picking the phone. I quickly removed my phone from my ear when the voice yelled into my ear.
" Miss Maxwell!! "
I swallowed my laughter and feigned innocence
" Miss Ashford." I said slyly. She happens to be the head of the management.
I could hear her heavy breathing inside the phone. I laughed quietly. It's fun to make fun of this people.
" The other tenants are always complaining about your ridiculous music in the night. Pls kindly TURN IT OFF!" She yelled the last part frustrated.
I sighed jokingly " but i can't do that ma'am. You know that that is my sleeping pills. Tell them to kindly manage."
I smiled at the phone, imagining her reaction right now.
" You rotten-!".
She yelled but i cut her off and threw my phone on the bed. Now it's time to party!.
I finished applying the cream and dance around the room in my night wear. I even picked my body cream as the microphone singing on top of my voice.
I could hear the loud yelling of the neighbors. I laughed and laughed till i was exhausted and my stomach hurts.
They must felt like tearing me apart or sending me out.
I finally drop the body cream and i turned off the music when my sleeping alarm went off.
I turned off the center light leaving the dimmer one.I entered my soft- not too big- bed and draw the blanket over my body.
Tomorrow will soon come now and soon, i will resume back to the yelling and nagging of my wicked boss.
Urrgggh! I don't want to talk about that son of a gun!.
I picked my phone from where I left it and i turned it on. The light shone to my face making me narrowed my eyes instinctively.
I went straight for my messages and unchecked chats. The messages are all boring since they are all from the company.
They are just reminders of the project we want to release tomorrow and the endless messages from my sickening master telling not to fuck tomorrow up.
Like as if I am a child. What does he take me for?
I moved to the chat section and i couldn't help but swear. Why is it that only my life is this complicated and always not understandable?
I stared at the ridiculous message that this godforsaken boyfriend of mine sent. I scoof loudly as i read it.
Is he really serious right now? I told him of my rest day and my visit to my sister earlier today. That i can't make time to come for his book opening.
And this jerk of mine still have the gut to blame me for not being there for him actually.
That's how stupid he is. I will always admit.Bad luck really like the likes of me. If not, what would i be doing with a goofy book nerd who is always insecure and boring.
He doesn't even know how to kiss right!. He called his sister to learn how to kiss for hell sake! I indeed am always unlucky.
Because of him, i had to take care of my precious energetic dildos so they would run out of power.
Poor me.
I choose to ignore his text. I shut my phone and place it on the bedside table. I lay still for some moment listening to only the sounds of the clock ticking and the sounds of the cars and motorcycle moving on the streets.
It didn't take long for sleep to slowly drag me away into the infinity.
Let's get the votes rolling! Thank you all for supporting this babe. Am harsley ace by the way.

Down On Her Knees
RandomMia Maxwell, a young pretty lady, work her ass off for an advertising company. she was practically invisible among most of her co workers except some of her close friends. . . until she was noticed by the CEO of the company. . . a ruthless, strict...