Learn to take full responsibility of your actions.
____ lover of the dawn.
Hello my beautiful readers! What's up? Enjoying your days? Let's check what i have for you this time. Happy reading.* Wink*
" Mia."
How could that cool voice stick to my memory in a short time? Woah! Don't underestimate this sexy guy.
I stopped dead on my tracks and slowly turned. Both of my accomplices too stopped and turned. They are even more surprised than shocked to see the CEO. . . I mean the one and only CEO call my name.
Who knows me in this company other than this two? I am neither popular nor that cool for people to know me. The only way they can know me is through the trouble i have caused in the company.
Both of them turned their eyes at me as if to say- " what have you done this time, you brat?"- i snapped my eyes at them and they smile.
Mr Christopher notice how we were silent. God knows that the last thing I want is to be left with him. I have not yet washed the awkwardness that he caused me out of my head and i do not want another scene of that.
He cleared his throat and his expression suddenly changed to something professional. Those two brat manage to buy the lie and they smiled in understanding that they will give us space to talk.
" I will like to speak to miss Maxwell."
He kept the cool tone. Why didn't he use my name. I felt like i am in trouble somehow.Those two smiled and bowed slightly before making a sign to me that they will be waiting for me before we leave for the other meeting.
I nodded and they quickly disappeared. The hall was silent except for our breath. I can't lie that i wasn't nervous because how can we know if someone is not maybe eavesdropping on us.
I don't want them to hear this pervert talk nasty. I don't want to be popular anytime soon as one of his chick. I don't even imagine what those chicks of his went through with the gossips and criticism they faced in the company.
I can't even lie that i wasn't part of those people who frustrated their life. I don't want to be like them. I cried inwardly.
No. Never.
He sighed and took few steps to me leaving just inches between us. His cologne filled my nostrils again and i can't lie that i don't fucking love the scent.
" You surprised me out there. I have no idea that you are part of the planning team."
He just said eyeing me with this kind of sneaky boyish look that gave me goosebumps.
" Should I take that as a compliment?" I muttered flatly to show that i wasn't interested in anything he want to say.
" Actually that was my first presentation so it's okay if you find it awkward or rough."" I guess that's why I didn't recognize you when we met in the elevator."
Pls don't talk about that. I silently prayed.
" Are you not bothered about why i said that in the elevator? "
He took a step forward.
" Which part?-" i said tauntingly " is it the part that your sneaky eyes stared at my chest or the part where you claim what isn't yours?"
He laughed." You are right. I am a pervert if that is what I am to you."
He said boldly and his voice for sure was loud.
My hand went to cover my mouth in disbelief.
Oh my fucking God! Why didn't I record that? How will I tell everyone that he admitted being a pervert." W- wh. .what!" I stutter not believing my ears. I looked around to check if nobody is listening to this stuffy jerk.
" I said i am a pervert and i love staring at your chest because it's big and plump. Does that surprised you?".
I was indeed surprised - even i was frozen on the spot. I didn't realize the one step he took everytime he says a word already make him very close to me and i was already trapped between him and the wall close to the door.
I gulped not knowing what to do. I can say that i am a bad ass myself but he is more of a psycho to me. How will someone in his right mind tell a girl so bluntly of something nasty like that?.
He smirks and his eyes capture mine. His Prussian blue eyes stare at me like i am something he want to eat. His tongue lick his lower lips and i shivered.
" Miss mia Maxwell, i like you."
The word rolled off his tongue in a sort of normal way. He sort of sound like he own me or he want to own me. I shook my clouded head.
" Are you sure you are in your right mind? That's harassment." I said trying to form seriousness but i still failed.
He just scoofed." That's for you to decide. I don't just pounced on anything i see and claim it as mine like i am crazy. You must be lucky."
Then he began his ridiculous story." I liked you from the first time I saw you from the company's parking lot. I really thought my eyes was decieving me because you were not dressed like you work here."
I tried to remember any scene of me at the parking lot but they were too many in my memory. Could he be stalking me?
He rubbed his nose before continuing " i couldn't get you out of my head. You are just too beautiful and you have a nice figure."
His eyes trailed my body once more and it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Is this guy out of his mind? Who would fall for this kind of body? I laughed inwardly. He sure have a bad taste.
" I was already forgetting it until i saw you again at the general meeting that we had few weeks ago but i noticed something that is not right about you."
" What is that?" I asked out of curiosity.
" Your dressing. You dress so shabbily."
He laughed at the word 'shabbily' and i want to squeeze his throat.How dare he? So he has been stalking me all this while? Wow! I will make sure to report him this time.
He noticed my glare and his hand went to my cheeks and caress them. I involuntarily leaned into his touch.
How comes his touch is so warm and comforting?- mia! Snap out of it!
I slapped his hands away and he laughed. He gave me a look as if to say - " tell me you don't like it"
"I had no idea which team or department you are in so i just waited for the right time to cross your path. But fortunately, i was blessed with your presence at the elevator. . . So- do you like my story? "
I snorted loudly " you are one crazy fella. Do you know? So you want me to believe that you saw me and just like me like that?. . Ha!"
I laughed loudly." So what do you want from me, mr CEO?" I said sarcastically.
I shivered when he leaned forward and his left hand leaned on the wall behind me, trapping me completely. He used his thumb to trace my cheeks hotly and caress my lips too before whispering my ear.
" I want you. -. . To be mine"
Let's get the votes rolling. Thank you so much for supporting this babe. Am harsley ace by the way.

Down On Her Knees
RandomMia Maxwell, a young pretty lady, work her ass off for an advertising company. she was practically invisible among most of her co workers except some of her close friends. . . until she was noticed by the CEO of the company. . . a ruthless, strict...