The most painful tears are the ones that are shed in silence.
____ lover of the dawn.
Another chapter is here!. What is your favorite color? Drop your comment and let's see if we can become friends!
I was so relieved when we came out of the room after the last meeting for today. We talked nonstop planning the event tour for tomorrow. I couldn't help but sigh heavily. More work is still coming for us but at least
No over night work till we launch the project finally. I was so happy deep inside of me.
Others chatted non stop on what to order for the team dinner. I trailed behind them holding onto my book like a weak chicken and then my phone started ringing.
Without even checking the caller id, i already known that it's the foolish boyfriend of mine. I groan inside and rounded the corner instead of following them straight to the elevator.
I entered the storage room and first of all sighed. I know that i can't ignore his call again after ditching his book opening. The last time I did that, he ended up coming to the company and causing a huge scene at that.
I cleared my throat and picked the call gently.
" Hey Billy!" I made sure my voice sound enthusiastic. He just scoofed at the other line like as if he knew i was just pretending
" Are you still busy tonight again or are you purposely avoiding me?"
I quickly answered " of course no! And i am not avoiding you seriously! You didn't even ask how my day went!".
I whined to his ear." Okay let's have a get back dinner tonight. I will treat you to a good meal."
I smiled " okay sure. Text me the location."
I ended the call and slipped my phone into my pocket back. I sighed frustratedly. Even though the work was a success, i still feel like there is a load of work on my heart.
When i came out, they already went downstairs. I pushed myself to the elevator wondering how i will tell them that i can't make it to the dinner.
I entered the elevator tired as fuck. I pressed the first button and the elevator closed. I leaned on the elevator wall before the memory of this morning flew to my mind.
The way his Prussian blue eyes stare at me intensely. The way he smiled anytime i say something. I will admit, he is more sexier when he is close. I didn't have any chance to stand close to him like that before but i will not lie. . . He really is one crazy fella.
He sure knew that i won't say anything to my team mates. If not, how can he flirt with me like that in the company.
I shook my head and closed my eyes to get rid of the images and my wild imagination but it did not leave my head for a bit.
The elevator dinged and it opened. I walked out and headed out to the lobby. My phone pinged. i checked it and saw that billy already texted the location.
I slipped it back inside the pocket and at the same time, my eyes searched the area for any sign of mr Christopher but luckily he wasn't there. I slipped outside and was about to call a cab when i sighted a limo parked ahead of me.
I ignored it and just averted my eyes and wave a cab down. Then a blonde lady stepped out of the car and walked toward me with this wide smile like as if i am her one friend she has been looking for.
I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her heading toward me. She doesn't even look any familiar so i can't say that i have any idea who she is. I waited at my spot to see what she is up to.
" miss Maxwell right?" She said to me.
I just smiled and nodded." Yes. Who might you be? "
Her face lit up and she took my hand and shook it so friendly. I arch my eyebrows in confusion.
" Oh thank God! You are mia! I am sarah."
She held out her hand again and i took it awkwardly. "I was already thinking maybe you are not coming out of that place.we have been waiting for a long time here. I was sent to accompany you by the way."
She said gingerly. My mind first wander to billy but i thought billy have never done something that sweet to me. . . Why is she here? Or. . Is he planning some sort of romantic thing? Oh. . that so cute of him!
Sarah must have noticed the way my eyes searched for answer. Then she smiled cunningly and leaned forward so others won't catch what she says.
" Mr Christopher sent me secretly to get you. He is eagerly waiting for you. Don't worry nobody will catch a wisp of it " she said and winked to me.
I stared at her like she is sort of crazy.
I couldn't help but laugh like crazy and scoofed several times because it sound like shit to my ear. Does she think that i am one of his chicks?
What does she take me for? I frowned and turned my eyes at her.
" You go tell your crazy boss that if he thinks that i will follow you guys then he must be MAD! Now get out of my way!"
I scowl and headed to the other direction. Her face turned to a pleading and terrified one and she tugged at my cloth as she followed me.
" Please mia! I can't go back without you. He will kill me! Do you want me to lose my job?"
I turned to her and snapped at her ridiculousness.
"I don't fucking care! You should just quit and find another one because your boss is a crazy ass"
" Pls mia...pls don't do this! You will leave me with no choice " She pleaded.
" What?" I frowned
I did not even have the intention of following her to wherever he is until some guys stepped out of the car and walked silently to where we stood.
If your guess is right as mine. . . Yes! I am being kidnapped!
That rude bastard sent people to abduct me. I laughed nervously when they approach me. Even if i want to run, i am sure that they will just scoop me up with one hand.
They didn't talk at all and they just pointed to the limo. The sign is just like saying- "don't you dare waste our time and get inside the fucking car".
I gulped loudly and stared at their eyes. And God. . . They were not smiling.
I didn't even argue or i should say that their gaze threw my stubbornness out of the window and i slowly walked to it while they trailed behind me. One of them get ahead of me and opened the back door for me to enter.
Sarah stare at me apologetically but all i did was glare at her as i entered the limo.
I will be sure to kill that son of a bitch!
Let's get the votes rolling. Thank you so much for supporting this babe. Am harsley ace by the way.

Down On Her Knees
RandomMia Maxwell, a young pretty lady, work her ass off for an advertising company. she was practically invisible among most of her co workers except some of her close friends. . . until she was noticed by the CEO of the company. . . a ruthless, strict...