At last i see the light

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Chapter 8:

After throwing the little red thing Frankie gave me on the floor, I pulled on one of liam's tops and headed downstairs. As I made my way over to Liam on the sofa, he looked up and his eyes were sparkling in the darkness. I am definitely whipped. After what? Dating for a day? Oh my god I am such a slut. But then I have known him since I was four years old. We've been through a lot together. Particularly my dad. Jack tried, but he could never really take the pain away like Liam could. I would wake up screaming, I would go to jack for comfort, but the nightmares kept on coming. Every night spent with Liam is a dreamless sleep, or one filled with bliss and, well love. I guess I've loved him my whole life, but now I'm seeing him in this new light. I feel a bit like breaking into song. I'm so happy. If I did sing it would be at last I see the light from tangled. I love that film. Whenever I watched it as a kid, the pain would go away, just for that short hour. That film and Liam are my drugs I guess. And I'm a real addict. And if they were to go away, particularly Liam, I would feel incomplete. I don't know how I'll cope when he leaves for college. Oh god, I'm crying now. I just, I love him so much. I cant bare the thought of him leaving. He would take my heart with him. Jack told me not to trust him with my heart, but it's too late now. I can only hope he won't break it.

Liam is holding me in his arms, I feel safe. I'm still crying like and idiot. He makes me better, no matter what's wrong as long as I have him I'll be fine. I love mum and jack, a lot obviously, but the one thing holding my life together is the boy next door, my boyfriend, my brothers best friend. Liam James. He whispered in my ear " what's wrong beautiful?" then he kissed my neck, soothing me. Oh, god. What I'm about to say is gonna make me sound like an idiot and I know I'm gonna ramble on. And I know Frankie is probably listening, so I can't mention my dad, only Liam knows outside of the family.everyone just thinks he was sleeping around so we kicked him out, which is kind of true, except he was sleeping around with his daughter. I shake that thought away, turning to look at Liam. I take in a deep breath and manage to choke out my little speech while trying not to cry. " Liam let me say this before you jump have always been there for me, particularly since I was eight years old. You keep me safe each night, and I can't thank you enough for that." he nodded, looking really sad for some reason.I Continued anyway " your the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for, and we've only been going out for like a day, but that doesn't matter to me. You have always been acting like a boyfriend to me, doing sweet things when I thought you were just trying to piss me off and last night, when I started bleeding, you were genuinely concerned and you helped me clean up. I don't care what anyone else thinks.I love you Liam, I love you, I love you so much" he kissed me, and I think I felt a tear come from him. Or it was just me because I was crying so much. He said " I thought you were going to break up with me!" thats why he was so sad. I choked out the rest of my speech " I haven't finished yet!" I joked and he nodded again " I'm really seeing you in a new light, you know? But the thing is, it's not long till you have to leave for college in London, you've got your scholarship and everything and I just.. I'm... Because I love you I'm going to miss you so much. I would miss you even if we weren't together, but my life with just be one never ending nightmare and I just won't be able to cope and I hate thinking about it and..." he put a finger to my lips pulling me closer into his chest. I suddenly felt cold. He pulled the duvet over is and said to me " princess, lottie, Charlotte, I love you too, more than anything and I have since I was six years old. As I've said, I can't change my past, but I can change my future. And I want it to be with you. I'm planning on staying local. To be near you. But, we don't need to think about that right now, let's just enjoy now because after all you only live once. And I quote: all at once, everything is different now that I see you.." that's from tangled. I'm surprised he knew that? I just laughed and he pulled me into his arms. I fell asleep and everything just seemed, perfect. For once, my life was actually going right. My brother loved me no matter what or who I decided to date, I had my best friend in the whole world up stairs, ready to listen when it's needed, and I had the best, most sweetest boyfriend ever. I haven't heard from molly in a while though.... But that's the least of my worries.

;WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!!!" jack roared coming down the stairs. I had just realised what had happened. Jack saw liam cuddling me in more than a friend way. We were sleeping together on the sofa. Shit. I had to think fast. " erlack!!! Liam, did you just have your hands on me?" Liam sat up then saw jack. I swear that boy could sleep through an earthquake! He looked so confused bless him! Jack says " lottie, please I've had enough of this! Damn! Stop lying to me!!!" he looked so angry, but like he was gonna cry at the same time. I had to pull out the usual excuse. " I had a bad dream. It was dad, I just, he was coming for me. I woke up screaming and thought you were down here. But it was only Liam and I, I was so upset." that actually wasn't a lie! " he looked after me jack." I pushed out a tear. Jack came over to me hugging me saying " Charlotte. I understand you had a bad dream, but you don't think I don't know what's going on here? You've lied to me and were gonna talk about this when frankies gone home. I can't do this now. I'm going back to bed. You lying little bitch. And you? You call me your best friend when all along it was to get in my little sisters pants? I'm really hurt by this guys. Bye" he stormed off and I knew he was so upset. Jack never got like this. Just once, when him and Liam threw out dad. When it was just me and him he was so angry but was crying at the same time. He was really hurt by this. I am a horrible person.

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