Official buisness

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Chapter 5:

I woke the next morning to Liam half crushing me to death. This time yesterday I had never been kissed - well actually not true. This time yesterday I had never been touched like that before - again not true, never been touched by anyone other than my father. Liam was still asleep so I decided to wake him up creatively, he would like that. I usually had dance practice, but seeing as it was half term, it was not on. Liam always drove me to practice while jack was at work. He had two conditions for doing so: 1) I bought lunch 2) I didn't tell jack. I was fine with both of them rules, but seeing as there was no dancing, I got all day with him. I moved myself so I was lying on top of him, his erection pressing in between my thighs, i moved myself up higher making us rub in places I'd rather not think abut just yet, but oh god! It felt so nice. I pushed away those thoughts, continuing with my plan I kissed him once, looking up. Nothing. I kissed him again. Still nothing. This time I pushed myself into him kissing him for longer and harder. He woke saying " good morning to you too princess!" I giggled and he held me close stroking my back saying " you are you gorgeous lottie" not sexy, not hot, gorgeous. This was the best I'd ever felt, ever. I kissed him. "your not bad yourself" I teased. He pinned me down and started kissing my ear, it really tickled so I started laughing and he said "you wanna try That again" i was having a really good time so I replied playfully " ok your alright, your more than alright your really sexy" he liked that and we had a really heated kiss. I was all flustered and red so we decided to take a break. We talked about stuff, like music and college, but not without a kiss in-between. After one kiss he just came out with " listen princess I want you to know I'm not just interested in one thing. I really like you as a person, and your the only girl who's herself around me and I like that. I have always liked that" I smiled appreciatively, " so what exactly are we doing here Liam James?" I giggled because this was so not the Liam I knew. The Liam I knew was a total player. there was so much I didn't know.

we eventually crawled out of bed at about eleven, while I was in the shower Liam had made pancakes. I snook up on him grabbing him around the waist, he turned around lifting me up over his shoulder I was laughing uncontrollably. But then the phone rang he put me down and answered it " hello walker residence" he said in a posh voice making me laugh again. The next I heard was " oh yes, hi jack,....... Just checking in on your sister....... No...... I wouldn't jack you know me..... We were gonna start cleaning for you..... It's fine we will get take out or something....... Have fun at work..... Ok..... I won't. Promise!!! Bye" he didn't let me say anything, he jumped in saying " it was jack, he wondered why I was round here, then he asked me if I was making any moves on you, then he asked if I'd kissed you, then he asked what we were doing then, he finished saying there was nothing in for lunch, then I was trying to get rid of him!!" he said in virtually one breath. I just burst out laughing. He said he wanted to take me out for lunch before cleaning. we sat on the sofa and I needed to have a talk with him before we left.

He started. " princess, I know we've only had one date, but I have liked you for ages, and I think you like me too, so I was wandering.... Well, your the only one for me lottie and.... Sorry I'm not very good at this but, did you want to go out with me? Officially?" I nodded and practically jumped him, kissing him passionately. Then it was my turn " ok, Liam, hear me out before you jump in ok boyfriend?" he nodded while grinning " well, I like you, just like you like me and I'm very into this relationship, I'm willing to give up everything for you, but physically, I don't think I'm ready yet. I mean our sex life. I'm still a bit funny about it, you know since dad and..." I started crying like an idiot and he held me, rocking me. He whispered " princess, I know what that monster did and I would never hurt you, in any way. I am willing to wait as long as you need. I love you. You don't need to say it back, but I have been waiting for so long to tell you." I kissed him again stunned he said " well, looks like 18 year old player Liam james has fallen for 16 year old hottie lottie" I giggled at his joke.

We ate lunch at a very nice Chinese restaurant, let's just say I'm glad I wasn't paying! We talked about general stuff, like the weather, and school and things. But then we needed to talk about jack. Liam brought it up " princess, not that I'm not enjoying listening to you banging on about sam fancying jack, and talking about your awesome dancing. But, I think we need to talk about telling jack. We need to tell him before we tell anyone else, I mean we have got a whole week together to tell him, but I just want to tell him now." I swallowed hard then spoke " well Liam. I don't know if you heard jacks little talk last night, but I think I need to warm him to the idea first. He wasn't exactly thrilled that I smelled like you, let alone having my hands all over you." he went to say something then my phone rang. It was Frankie, much to my relief. She spoke first. " hey girl! How are you? Listen, my parents are out of town and rocco is at his mates for the weekend, so I'm all on lonesome. Can I come over" I heard Liam grown loudly, I'm sure Frankie did too. He started doing his puppy dog face shaking his head. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. My man was just too funny sometimes. I couldn't say no to my best friend could I? I'm sure Liam would get over it. " um ok sure, I'm sure jack could put up with you flirting for one night" she giggled saying " hey lot, do you think Liam will come over?" I looked over at him, still doing the whole bottom lip act. I replied just as giggly " yes I'm sure Liam will be over, he spends more time at my house than he does his!" she laughed this time saying " ok, see you at 8? I will bring women in black!" oh shit I hated horror films. I just agreed knowing Liam would be there for me. Then realised, no he wouldn't. God I wanted to kill my beloved child frankie!!

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