The gift

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Chapter twenty:

It had been about two weeks since Caroline and dave left for America.Liam didn't seem to care that much, but I knew he did. When we were younger he always wanted to please his dad, and now he was a disappointment. We hadn't heard from Caroline for a while so I was a bit worried. Dave had said that Caroline could talk to me, but not Liam, however whenever she called, Liam got to speak too. Things were alright actually. The sickness had subsided a bit, but I was getting really bad headaches and mood swings. My body was desperate for Liam again, but I didn't want to risk it, so when things got to far told him to stop. He seemed to be getting a bit frustrated, I'm not surprised though. I was frustrated too, but little Liam was more important. When I told him he understood. I woke up on Monday to find Liam was not in the bed. I got up and put on my dressing gown, I went into the spare room, he wasn't in there either. I went down stairs to find jack sitting at the table eating a bacon sandwich. He pushed one over to me and before I could ask where Liam was he said " Liam has just popped out to get something. He says good morning" then jack smiled and winked, making me suspicious.

Just as I tucked in, Liam burst through the door with roses again. He hadn't given me any in ages. Why today? He handed them over to me then said " good morning princess!! Isn't it a beautiful day?" I was a bit shocked by his cheerful attitude early on a Monday morning, I on the other had was absolutely bushed and could feel a migraine coming on. However I didn't want him to worry so I said " um... Yer I guess so?" jack goes to him " Liam you high or something?" I just laughed and Liam goes " I'm high on love!" he then crushed his lips to mine. The fireworks were large and loud. Jack groaned. I went up stairs to get changed as I heard low murmurs going on between the boys. Once ready I went down stairs and hung around ear wigging, this is what I heard. " I swear to god Liam, don't do it! It's really early, you know?" " but jack, I can't help it. If that's the way it is, that's the way it is!" " I'm only giving you advice, as your best friend. Not an overprotective brother. Honestly. It's too soon. Don't. Liam. Don't." Liam sighed loudly. I decided it was time for me to make an entrance. I walked in and said. " to soon for what? I heard you on my way down. Tell me." Liam looked to jack, then jack back at Liam. Then Liam said " too soon to be.... Thinking about baby names!" I looked at him in disbelief. I knew he was lying, but didn't question him any further. The drive to school was uncomfortable. My migraine was was coming on really strongly. And Liam would not shut up, he was just talking about rubbish. His good mood was irritating the hell out of me like it used to. Jack was smiling at every girl he saw.

When I walked into the form room, Frankie was smiling at me, she said " OMLG!!! lottie, I have great news!!" I looked at her then she sighed saying " Oh My Lady Gaga? Anyway. Lottie guess what!!!! I'm going on a date with Danny!!! I'm so excited!!!! It's on Saturday!!! He's a senior!! I've never dated a senior before!!! You will need to help me pick my clothes out! And guess what else?" I said what just as mr.south walked in. He said in his nasal tone " Class, settle down. We have some very sad news. Ms markham will no longer be working with us here at school. She jas been sacked from her job and is facing prison for breach of confidentiality." I stood up on my chair and punched the air shouting " fuck yea!!! I hope the bitch burns in hell!" mr south pushed his glasses back up his nose, folding his arms across his chest saying " lottie, that is not how we behave in the classroom is it? Now.." then he started rambling on about forms and stuff. I wasnt listening, I was secretly rejoicing in the fact the biatch is going down!" just then, Isa came into the classroom along with her brother. Adam I think it was. Mr south said " right, class, I'm sure many of you know isabelle's brother. Mr murres. He is going is on a gap year and will be working here with me for the next six months. I hope you treat him with as much respect as you do me." everybody sniggered. Respect mr south? aha! I looked at my friends. Frankie was in a bit of a daydream, probably thinking about her date with Danny. Isa was looking at the floor with embarrassment. Sam was looking out the window and Mollie. Mollie was. Well, it looked like Mollie was checking Adam out! He was quite fit. Just not up to the same standard as Liam.

At lunch, we sat on the biggest table we could find, there was: me, Liam and jack. Isa and adam. Mollie and Sam, Frankie and Danny. Mike, and two other of liam's friends I hadnt seen in a while Edward and Jake. Twelve of us crammed around the small table for eight. Liam kept glaring at Adam, who kept looking at me. Mollie was staring at Adam. She started making conversation, but his eyes never left me, I felt really uncomfortable and said so to Liam who grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the car, we decided to go home for lunch.

When we got home, Peter the postman had been and there was a letter addressed to me. It was a large White A4 envolope. I could tell straight off by the hand writting it was carolines. While Liam stuck the water in our pot noodles I read the letter:

Dear lottie and Liam.

As you are aware, me and dave are in America. Dave I think has come round to the idea. Whilst he is not thrilled about our grandchild, I think he is starting to agree with me that you, Liam are not a disappointment. We are planning on living here in America as I have a lovely part time job in a nursery, and your father is making mega bucks. As we are no longer living in the uk, we would like to give you a gift. All you have to do is sign the dotted line then post the document in this envolope and the gift Is yours. You can use the money we gave you to make it personal. We are giving you our house. Lottie, I am sure you will love the house as much as I did. There is no furniture in there presently. It is all being shipped over as we speak. We will not take no for an answer. Send lots of pictures!!!

Love Caroline xxx

Omg!! I told Liam and he called his mum straight away and said we would take it, I can hardly wait. A place all of our own, not having to buy it, obviously pay the bills but we are half way there now!!!! The baby is beginning to feel a lot more real now. It just occurred to me. We can be as loud as we like, do whatever we like with no interruptions... Now theres a thought. Oh, but jack will be all on his own. I will call mum then go back to school and tell jack. How exciting!!!!!

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