Isa goes down

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Chapter seventeen:

Me and Liam decided to skip school. I had about a million texts from people at school. Liam did too. On facebook Danny had posted the video of me pushing over ms mark hams table. It's actually quite funny. We were sitting in the park when I get a text of Frankie saying " hey babe, we can talk about my little niece ( well, god daughter, hint hint) or nephew later, but right now Isa is in a lot of deep shit, you need to bail her out." I replied saying how did she manage that. Frankies reply was this " after you left ms markham started talking about what a slut you were, don't worry Danny recorded it so we can get her sacked, and she was saying how you and Liam had a one night satnd and that you were trying to tie him down and how he just slept with you cuz of your hot body and that. At lunch We were all pretty irritated, like, No one talks about our friend like that! We all went back to the lecture, but Isa wasn't there! I was sent to look for her and she was outside putting petrol on ms markhams car. She's a freaking psychopath! Then as ms markham came out, Isa lit up a fag, and threw it on the Car, it set alight. It was bloody scary! Now she's in a holding cell. You need to bail her out. Frankie xxx" shit. She did that for me. It was stupid but sweet. I told Liam and he burst out laughing.

We arrived at the police station and I could hear Isa swearing loudly. One of the younger policemen was trying to calm her down, he looked about twenty one, he was actually pretty fit. But that didn't stop Isa trying to attack his face! Isa was really really pretty. She had long black hair that flowed straight Down her back. She was quite skinny, but not too skinny, just right, she always wore clothes that complemented her figure too. She had a nice face as well, pure blue eyes, like liam's, just not quite as clear, she hides her feelings more than she should. She always wore a leather jacket as well, probably because of her bright yellow motorbike. Isa was normally quite sensible, but obviously not today!

" oh lottie thank god! You gotta get me out of this shit hole!" great way to sweeten up the officers! Calling there place of work that. But then that was Isa! I felt really sick suddenly. Liam could tell when I was gonna chuck up now and he asked the young officer where the loos were for his girl. How sweet! I was sick and when I came back, Isa was flirting with the officer now. I will never understand that girl! liam was signing some forms. When we got in the car she turned to me and goes " god that officer was fit, I love a man in uniform! His name is Jacob, but all his friends call him jake. He reminds me of Taylor lautner actually!" she rambled on. We dropped her off at her house. Her court date was yet to be confirmed. We were all going out tonight. Going out there was: me, Liam, Mollie, Sam, Frankie, Isa, jack, Danny, Mike and Alex. We were only going Frankie and bennys but I could tell it would be epic.

I wore my maxi dress, it was purple with and intricate red and gold design around the boob tube bit. I wore my matching purple shoes Frankie bought me for my birthday. I also had a purple flower in my curled hair. Liam Said I looked really pretty, he is always complimenting me, that's exactly what a girl wants! Jack was actually driving but he was getting a snack, honestly we would be eating soon, but then jack is always Hungary, weather it's doughnuts or chocolate cake, he's always after something. While we waited for him to finish stuffing his face, Liam pulled me onto his lap on the sofa, he leant in and kissed me. The fireworks began to fly again, I hadn't kissed him in ages. I wanted more but jack started coughing. A lot. I turned round to tell him to stop being so rude bur he was choking on a cocoa pop! I couldn't stop laughing. He always said he wanted to die choking on a cocoa pop! Liam helped him because I couldn't even stand up, let alone pat him on the back.

When we arrived, jack told me and Liam to wait for the others while he went in the warm and booked the table. Liam took my hand. He was always smiling at me or holding my hand or has his arm round me, he is always doing something when he's near me. Jack called us in to Frankie and bennys. When I walked in all our friends were there are they all shouted surprise! Aww bless. We had like the cutest friends ever! There were balloons as well, saying congratulations. Teddy bears too. Even liam's mates had joined in. I felt like crying. But happy tears. I held them back though because I didn't want to embarrass myself further. We ordered our food then the questions began:

" so lot, how far along are you?" asked Mollie " nearly six weeks" I replied, she smiled then began talking to Sam. Isa was next " so what symptoms you had?" I considered this for a moment then said " real bad morning sickness, peeing a lot, tired a lot..." I was also really desperate for Liam, but I couldn't say that. It would embarrass him in front of all his mates. Frankie, who was sitting on my left turned to me and said " thought of any names yet lot? Liam you got any? I love the name elliexsise and savannah and cianna and josielee." the whole table looked at her. Isa, being as honest as she is laughed then said " elliexsise? What the frig is that? I mean, I understand savannah and cianna, but josielee? Come on you wouldn't call your kid that, why call lots kid that?" Frankie goes " I suppose. I like savannah. And Richard for a boy? Oh, like that Richard whisker. Oh fittie!!!" I just laughed then I said " we don't even know if were totally safe yet. Hopefully we are, but me and Liam didn't want to jinx it you know? Don't want everyone to know." Alex laughed really loudly then said " bit late now Charlotte!" I hate it when he calls me by my proper name, he always has and it irritates me. He carried on. " Danny has it on film and everything! The whole school has seen it. Are you going to keep it?" I didn't say anything, I mean, I hadn't spoken to Liam properly about this and now I was telling one of his mates. I'm not going to abort, but maybe adoption. Liam looked at me then said " were keeping. Definitely, I would never give away my baby girl, or my little son. Never. Me and lottie are totally serious about this, we are ready to start our family. Aren't we princess?" I smiled and nodded, just in time for the food to arrive. I began to tuck into my steak, then the smell of Isa's fish drifted over to me and I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the loo and kept chucking up. I must have been in there for a good ten minutes because I heard a familiar voice shouting my name.

"lottie? Charlie? Lot? Lots? Charlotte?" it was Liam. What he was doing in the woman's loos I don't know. "princess I was really worried about you, are you ok?" he said pushing a strand of hair off my face. I smiled as he brought his hand down it. He leaned in to kiss me. Then I felt a wave of nausea come over me, I tried to lean toward the toilet bowl, but I was too late and was sick down his blue t-shirt. I felt really bad, and said so. Liam laughed and took his shirt off, throwing it in the bin. He puled me up then bent down to kiss me, I was enjoying him when some blonde bimbo came in saying " excuse me sir, but this, incase you haven't noticed, is the ladies room. You should not be in here. Also please wear a shirt as you are not complying to the dress code at this present time."wow she was a lot smarter than I thought. Actually maybe not she was reading off a small piece of paper. I just laughed as we went back to the table. Liam span me round as I sat down by his side, Frankie patted me on the head like a little dog. Everyone at the tables around us were marvelling at liam's perfect body. His six pack, his low slung trousers showing his v. Oh my god he was perfect. I was had a piece of mr.perfect inside of me. Mike threw Liam his hoodie so he would comply with the rules. After dinner we took all the balloons home, not quite sure what to do with them, Liam and jack started playing football round the living room with them while I lined up the little bears. Mum had gone to china yesterday, she was only here on a short visit and I couldn't wait to see her in three weeks time. Jack grabbed a pack of twelve doughnuts while me and Liam cuddled up on the sofa to watch the lucky one. Jack went up to bed with his little feast while I was enjoying zac efrons abs. I turned to Liam and ran over his abs. He was so toned and sexy. I traced my fingers up his body, working my way up to neck, interlocking my fingers there, kissing him grabbing his hair at the nape of his neck. He let out a soft moan and I knew things were about to heat up, of you know what I mean. He carried me up the stairs to my room and I got what my body was craving. Liam...

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