It happened again

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Chapter eighteen:

Me and Liam were lying on my bed, cuddled up, wrapped around each other. I was fast asleep when Liam sat up, I was filled with a sudden sense of de ja vu when he said " holy shit princess, your bleeding. Badly. Are you alright?" he looked really concerned considering he had just woken up. This was just like the other month. I looked at the sheet. They were now red. I was absolutely pissing myself. The baby. All I did was have sex with Liam. Was it normal to bleed this much? Shit was I having a miscarriage? Spotting blood was normal but this? Oh god. Now I wanted my baby I was going to lose it. This can't be happening...

" Liam, I think I'm fine but the baby." I put my hand on my stomach for a brief moment and when I took it away my hand was covered in blood. I felt really sick, then a sharp pain twisted in the pit of my stomach. I started crying. I don't know weather it was the pain or the sadness that my little Liam was going. I really hoped I was wrong. Liam held my hand and started shouting for jack. Jack came stumbling in. Liam had put one of his tops over me, however he was just sitting there in his boxers. Jack looked alarmed then said " this had better be important." then Liam looked at him as I whispered " the baby". Jack called an ambulance as Liam threw a pair of jogging bottoms at me. I put them on in between the waves of pain that were coming more often. I had put on a pad, however it was not enough. Jack sat with me while Liam got changed. He was coming with me in the ambulance and jack was coming in the morning. Jack was saying stuff like " it will be ok, lottie. Everything is fine, the ambulance is coming." however didn't believe him. My eyes were focused on Liam. Once he had changed and text his mum to say he was going over to see me because the I was " Ill" he took my hand and him and jack helped me down the stairs. Every step was agonising. The pain was indescribable. The ambulance arrived and they checked my pulse and my heart beat and things like that while we were driving tovthe hospital.

When we arrived, I was taken through into the intense care unit. I was hooked up to the monitor and the pain had started receding slightly. Then nurse graney came in. She said " hi guys, just so you know, you can call me jess. And your Liam right?" Liam nodded and she said " you were in year eight when I was a senior at pattisons. It's nice to see you again. And lottie, your jacks little sister right? Your brother is so funny, trying it on with all the seniors, bless" I really liked jess. She seemed really nice. She then said " yes, so anyway. Your about eight weeks right?" I nodded. I had been for my six week appointment, and my four weeks appointment, and I wasn't due another until ten weeks. But if I got to check my baby was fine sooner that was even better.

" so lottie, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you some very personal questions, I hope that's ok?" she was so much better than Jane. I nodded as Liam took my hand. Jess pulled the curtain round giving us some privacy. " ok, when was the last time you had a period?" I thought about it. " about two months ago, just before I got pregnant." she wrote that down on a piece of paer on her clipboard then said " right, and while you were one month pregnant did you st any point have a period or blood spotting?" I answered straight away " no, nothing." she wrote that down too. " well, what I think has happened is your body is adapting to the baby, causing your mind to go into overdrive bringing on your period when there is actually a baby inside, meaning the womb lining should not be breaking down." I thought about what she just said. Then Liam asked " so is the baby ok?" jess swallowed then said " things are almost certainly fine, we will take a ultrasound though to check. The bleeding has stopped now, if it starts again or you get any pains while your at home you must come straight. Back, alright?" I smiled as she left the room to get the ultrasound machine.

Liam put his hand on my stomach and smiled, jess came back in, she put some blue gel on my stomach, it was really cold and I grabbed liam's hand as he laughed. Jess starting king the little thing around on my stomach and she said " your baby will be 2cm long now, complete with fingers and toes and paper-thin skin, it's heart is beating at around 160 beats per minute.

During this week your baby will be moving around but you won't be aware of its activities for a few more weeks. Pigment will be starting to develop within the retina of the baby's eyes and they may appear open as the eyelids have started to grow. But, the eyelids have yet to fuse and they won't properly open until around week 26. Can you see?" I looked and saw a tiny little black and white shape, it looked a bit like a Bean and was the cutest thing ever, Liam was smiling. I said to jess " so what will I be feeling?" she smiled then said "Your womb has already doubled in size, although you won't be 'showing' yet. The 8 weeks pregnant symptoms will mean you may find you need to visit the toilet more often as your growing uterus presses on your bladder." I laughed as she said this, I was constantly peeing. She continued "The emotional rollercoaster that you're on may not have subsided, but it will with time." Liam laughed. I hadn't been that bad had I? I had another question " I have really bad morning sickness. What can I do about that?" she said " If you're suffering from sickness, indigestion or heartburn, small portions little and often may help you to feel better." Liam stood up to shake her hand and she said " thanks guys. I am looking forward to seeing you in the future. Lottie, your going to have to stay the night ok? Just under observation. However we will move you to a ward as you are in the safe zone now" I was very pleased with the new doctor jess, she was really nice and my baby was fine. It was not dying and things were healthy.I got to see my child....

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