Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:

Flashing lights covered the house's ceiling and floors, people shouting over music, feet tapping along the wooden floor, music blasting through out the house, drinks splashing together.

I can't. It's too much. Too loud.

I placed my hands over my ears, squeezed my eyes tightly shut and started grinding my teeth together while rocking myself lightly back and forth to calm my mind and body.

Nothing's working.

I don't like it. I need to leave.

"Hey, Y/N! Come over here!" Someone yelled over to me.

I glanced up, searching around for the voice, until I spotted them smiling and waving at me.

Too. Much. Noise.

"No, I'm okay, thank you!" I replied, screaming over the blaring sounds pushing through the area.

"You're boring!" They yelled back. I knew they were drunk, but still, ouch.

I need mama. She knows how to calm me down. I'm trying so hard not to have a meltdown in front of all these people.

How embarrassing would that be?

If I had my noise cancelling headphones with me, this would be so much easier right now. No noise, just silence. Then my brain would stop for 5 seconds. Should I call mama?

What if I'll annoy her? Is it too late?

Picking my phone up from my closed hands, the screen lit up, blinding me.

I squinted, ugh I'm never going to get used to that.

1am. It's been 3 hours. 3 hours too long.

I can't call mama now, she'll be sleeping.

But, who else can I call?

Aunt Yelena? Wait, no she went back to Russia. Fuck.

I can't call Aunt Wanda either because she's travelling with Vision. This sucks.

How long do I have to stay here?

I can hear someone walking behind me. Their footsteps. So goddamn loud.


What. The. Fuck.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! What the fuck!!" I scream.

"I'm so sorry! Hope you're okay!" A random girl giggles before stumbling off outside.

I can't handle this anymore. I'm trying to stop the meltdown but I can't.

I breakdown onto the floor and start pulling on my hair, eyes squished shut, my breathing becomes rapid and hot tears roll down my cold skin.

Mama. I need mama. Please.

"Y/N!!" Someone calls out. I recognise the voice, but who is it?

"Y/N, are you alright? Come here, it's okay," Kate. I know her from school!

Being pulled up, I'm still rocking back and forth, and still crying.

Usually I wouldn't let anyone touch me, especially when I'm this overwhelmed but, I trust Kate.

I begin to scratch harshly at the skin on my arms, leaving angry red marks.

"Hey, hey, none of that," Kate says as she grabs my hands, massaging them gently.

For some reason, I feel relaxed. Kate's dark hair is lightly falling over my shoulders, and I can hear her steady breathing. Calm. She's calm.

She's not weirded out by me??? But, everyone is?

Odd Girl Out - Kate x Autistic!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now