Chapter 4

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A/N: hiii! this chapter will be about having big (or 'intense') interests!! I hope you enjoy, and please, if anything is incorrect or inaccurate please let me know!! I will change it :) <3
This took me so long to write (3 days because I also procrastinated) because I was vibing to Taylor, Harry and Lana majority of the time instead of writing... 😁 This part is true but I would get 300 words each time and then stop writing cos I would listen to music instead lol

TW: alcohol mention, alcoholic parent (mother). I'm not sure if this is a trigger warning but towards the end there is Y/N having a meltdown (eg stomping/kicking, crying, hair pulling, punching self etc) <3

Oh, and a bit angsty!! :)

2nd Person POV:

Time skip to a week later :)

You and Kate walked proudly through the crowded halls of your large school as you rambled on about your interest in Funko Pops.

"There's all sorts of Funko Pops from so many different fandoms and there's so many versions and colours and-" You had to cut yourself off to take a breath from talking for a moment.

"Anyway- as I was saying- there's so many fandoms like Star Wars, all the super heros around the world like Iron Man, DC all that and I just love the variety of options you can choose from," You say as you glance over to Kate who's listening to every single word with a small smile evident on her face.

"What?" You giggle, wondering why she's staring at you.

"Nothing, just admiring," She perks an eyebrow, shrugging casually.

You blush before beginning to speak about your collection of Funko Pops that you have on your bedside table.

Darth Vader, multiple Natasha Romanoff's, Yoda, Baby Yoda, Wanda, Hawkeye, Iron Man, you could go on.

And that you did.

Until you had to go to class, Kate and you both saying your goodbyes before heading in separate directions.

Skip to home time, and Kate is coming over because she wants to see your Funko Pops :).

Currently, you were panicking internally at the fact that you would be showing Kate your array of Funko Pops as most of them was her...

You tried not to overthink but there was still that thought of 'What if she thinks I'm weird?' 'What if she leaves because she can't stand it?'

Pushing the negative thoughts aside, you brought yourself back to reality as you and Kate were walking on the crunchy leaves in the gutter of the road.

"Hey, where'd you go off to?" Kate tilts her head slightly, glancing over to you as you walk.

"I was just thinking, don't worry though, please," You say, a small smile on your freckle covered face.

She lets it pass for now, definitely going to ask you about it later.

You then stop suddenly in front of a red brick house that has flowers and plants around it as if they protect the comforting-looking home.

"Welcome to my humble abode," You say sighing as you start walking slowly towards your house, Kate by your side.

You make your way in, beginning to look for your mother, only to find her passed out on the couch.

One of her arms hanging off the edge, along with one of her legs as she's laying on her stomach on the leather red-brown sofa. Multiple bottles of alcohol surround her - on the ground, the coffee table in front of her, the arm chairs of the couch, and even on the top of the couch.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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