Chapter 2

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A/N: Hiii!! How are we all?

Please read the A/N at the bottom!!
Y/N's POV:

Light is glazing into my eyes and on my body as I try to sleep in just a little longer. But, I can't. The sun is in the way.

Deciding on getting up, I yawn before sitting up and realising I'm not in my room.

Confusion rushes over me, then I realise this is Kate's house! I thought that was a dream.

Anyway, I look to my left, and there Kate is, still sleeping peacefully. And she looks so pretty. Despite the man strands of hair sprawled across her face, or the slight drool coming out of her mouth.

I realise that Kate took care of me last night and made sure I was okay, so I wanted to repay her. I should make her breakfast in bed.

Standing up slowly, making sure not to wake Kate, I open the door partially and quickly make my way out before quickly shutting it again. Luckily, it didn't make a single noise.

I made my down the cold wooden steps, feeling different as my feet are warm. But it's a good different.

I hum a small song as I enter the black and white kitchen. God, I love this style.

Anyway, back to cooking.

"Ah ha!" I whisper as I finally found the pots and pans.

"Having fun there?" A feminine voice comes from behind me.

Almost dropping the pan on the ground, I compose myself before turning around to where the voice is.

"Yes...? I'm making breakfast for Kate considering she looked after me last night," I smile.

"Oh, okay. You have fun doing that, then," She returns the smile before leaving the kitchen.

I continue what I'm doing and look in the fridge.

Okay soooo there's butter, egg, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

I wonder if there's any other ingredients for pancakes...


Grabbing the ingredients, I quietly make some batter before cooking it.

(A/N: 20 minutes later because yes.)

The pancakes are finished and now I'm just adding the finishing touches...

I wonder if there's any juice in the fridge.

Orange juice, apple juice, orange and mango juice.

So many options, damn it.
I decided on the apple juice and poured a glass.

I hope she likes it, I spent a lot of time doing it.

Checking the time, it shows half past 10. Okay, good time to wake up and have some food. I may or may not have eaten some while cooking... Oh well.

Picking the cutting board up which holds the food, I start slowly walking through the kitchen and out into the dining room, then up the dark wooden stairs.

I manage to open Kate's bedroom door with my elbow, and silently may I add.

I made my way inside before carefully placing down the cutting board onto her bedside table.

Almost cooing out loud at Kate's same state as earlier, I gently attempt to wake her up.

"Kate... Kateeee... Kate wake upppp," I try to say in a soft voice.

Kate seems to take in a deep breathe before slowly opening her eyes and spotting me.

"Hi," I giggle.

"Well, hello there," she replies, her voice raspy. Goddamn.

No, stay focused on what you were supposed to be doing.

"I made you breakfast," I speak up, shyly.

Kate instantly perks up at the sound of food, causing me to laugh lightly.

She spots the food and her lips break out into a big grin.

I hope it looks okay. God I hope she likes it.

"Oh my god, my favourite food!! Omg I love these berries!" She exclaims with happiness.

Thank. God.

(About... 15-20 minutes later).

"Okay, so, now that I'm finished eating, let's get changed and maybe go out somewhere. Its a nice day today, good New York weather,"

I smile at the thought of more quality time with Kate.

"Yay! Sounds exciting," I reply with enthusiasm.

"I'm glad. Now, I'm going to give you some of my clothes to borrow, and just let me know if they're uncomfortable on you, okay?" Kate's eyes are now filled with concern and care.

"Okay," I grin gratefully.

Kate gets changed and comes out in baggy ripped jeans, black docs, and a dark purple t-shirt.

She also comes out with some clothes in her hand.

"My wardrobe only consists of baggy ripped jeans so... You know," She shrugs with a laugh.

"Oh, that's perfectly fine. I love ripped jeans," I chuckle.

Kate hands me the clothes and I go to get changed. The fabric isn't uncomfortable.

It feels nice on my skin, it's a relief.

Wearing the black baggy ripped jeans and a olive green top, I walk out of the bathroom with the other clothes in one of my hands.

"I'm all done," I announce.

Kate looks up from her phone and looks me up and down.

Blush forms on my face, but I try to hide it. But, failing miserably.

Kate smirks, but it quickly disappears when she speaks up again.

"So... Does it feel okay? Does it feel weird at all?" She questions, care in her voice.

"Don't worry, it's all okay," I cheer.

Kate giggles, happy with my answer.

"Let's go, shall we?" Kate stands up.

I laugh before answering,

"Kate, I need shoes," I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh- shit- yup- one second-" She runs back to her wardrobe and runs back giving me olive green converse. My favourite shoes!!

I've already got socks on so I should be alright.

"Thank you, Kate," I smirk, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Don't you dare laugh, little miss," Kate warns playfully.

I snort before bursting out laughing. Then I can't stop until there's tears in my eyes.

"You good now?" Kate raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I'm good," I giggle mischievously.

Kate rolls her eyes playfully while I start to put my shoes on.

"Okay, now let's go," Kate smiles gently at me.

A/N: okay so I've come to a conclusion. Instead of this being a mama Nat book, it will be Reader x Kate. Because I realised that's what it's about. We're still Nat's daughter and she will occasionally be in the story but yeah. I hope you guys understand :).

I love you all so so much! Have you eaten today? Had some water? Or even just got out of bed? Because that's enough. You're enough. I believe in you guys. I'm so proud of you all. <333

Stay safe my lovelies!! 🤍🤍

Odd Girl Out - Kate x Autistic!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now