Chapter 3

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A/N: been a while since I've updated this!! I honestly forgot about it😭

Anyway I hope you enjoy!!

Just wanted to say with the sensory things, I have stuck mostly with sound, touch etc and haven't gone deep into it yet. I don't want to write something that is incorrect, even if I have researched. I know that routine is one part of being on the spectrum, but is there anything else you would like me to add?? <33 this story is also for awareness, even if I don't have autism, my younger brother has it and so does one of my good friends. :)

Okay, now you can enjoy xD

Third POV:

As you and Kate scrolled through the park filled with all different types of dogs, the sun still high in the sky, and it reflecting perfectly on the water, you came to a realisation.

You haven't had any sort of sensory overload around her yet. Except for at the party, but since then you haven't had too much of an issue. Everything seems to be going right. For now.

You spoke too soon.

Suddenly, you stumble into dog shit and it squelches into the sole of your shoe. The sound was enough to make you ick, but the feeling of it stuck there? Even worse.

Now, no one likes dog shit stuck to their shoes, obviously. But, your day was going good so far and this had just ruined it.

"You've got to me kidding me," You exclaim, frustration evident in your tone of voice.

"Hey, it's okay, it can be washed off, don't stress too much," Kate tried reassuring you.

"But, it just doesn't- I- It- UGH!" You couldn't get your words out as you attempted to explain your discomfort.

Even if it was washed off, it's still gross.

Not only that but they're Kate's shoes. And they look expensive. Really expensive.

Kate takes a step closer, cautious of whether you want physical contact at the moment. She guessed you didn't, and kept her distance.

"Hey, hey, breathe. Slow down," Kate calmly says.

You take a deep breath, in, and out. It slowly begins to work, and after a while, you're calm again. Although, you are still worrying about her green converse having that dog shit on it.

"We should get this cleaned off, shouldn't we?" Kate asks rhetorically, pointing to the shoe.

She smiles, and you try to smile back.

You and Kate walked, well you wobbled, over to a tap nearby. Kate took the green and white shoe off for you and began to wash the dog shit away, it running down into the drain.


The smell was acidic, you and Kate had to hold your breath the entire time it was being washed. It was so disgusting it burnt your nose and throat.

"I want to go home," You whined.

Kate pouted.

"Can we get gelato first? Please?" She asked gently.

You nodded, and opted to keeping both shoes off altogether, and socks, now that one of your socks were wet.

Luckily, in New York, it wasn't winter. So you wouldn't freeze.

You then made your way over to the gelato shop down the road.

As you arrived, it was a fresh smell. Fresh air. Refreshing compared to that shit smell.

You and Kate began to weigh out your options of gelato. You could get two scoops of ice cream of two different flavours.

Cookies & Cream were an option with Raspberry Sorbet, but then there was Chocolate Fudge with Peanuts, like the Ben and Jerry's, with mango sorbet.

Odd Girl Out - Kate x Autistic!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now