New Journey

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Ash entered his home and greeted his mom. He saw that his mom was in the kitchen making dinner. He could smell tasty food and was excited to eat it. But before he go and do his dinner, he heard some one. He went into his garden and saw Mr. Mime there, keeping the broom there. He greeted Mr. Mime and he was greeted back by a hug. Mr. Mime was very happy to see his mistress son back. Then, they went inside and sat at the table where food was being kept by his beloved mother. Ash decided to tell her that he will be going tomorrow with Gary for Arceus knows how much time.

Ash: Mom, I want to tell you something??
Delia: What is it, sweetie??
Ash: Mom, when I was at professor Oak's lab today. Gary came back from Sinnoh and he wanted help from me for some work. So, I will be going with him tomorrow morning.
Delia(sad): Honey, you came yesterday only and now, you are leaving.
Ash: I know mom, I wanted to spend time with you too but I have to go with Gary. I promise when I came back, I will be spending a lot with you.
Delia: Okay honey, but you take care of yourself. Now, let's finish the dinner.

Ash was relieved but sad too. He was relieved as his mom has not taken it that badly, her son leaving after only one day he came back. He was sad too because he wanted to spend sometime with her mom. But he promised to himself that after he comes back from this special mission from Arceus; he will spend a lot of time with her lovely mom. He finished his dinner and went to his room with Pikachu. He talked with Pikachu for sometime on how his life will be changing from the next day and many other things. He then slept as they don't want Gary to be screaming at him on whole mission that he woke up late again.

Next day

Ash woke up earlier than usual as he has to get ready and chose his pokemon too before going on journey. He showered and got ready in his Kalos outfit. He woke up Piakchu who was sleeping peacefully on Ash's bed. Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder and the duo went downstairs. Ash saw his mom preparing breakfast and he could tell it was something special from the food's aroma only. He went into the kitchen and greeted his mom and was told to sit at the table while she brought the breakfast. There were many things for him to eat so, he got confused that from which dish he wanted to start. Pikachu was also happy as Delia has given Pikachu, a bottle of ketchup. They ate their breakfast and Delia asked him that he has packed his bag or not. After finishing the breakfast and packing his bags, Ash left for Oak's lab but not before he gave his mom a hug and her asking him to change his underwear daily. The duo reached the lab and knocked on the door which was opened by professor Oak.

Oak: Huh, Ash you came early today. Gary is still having his breakfast.
Ash: I wanted to pick up my team before going with Gary.
Oak: My boy, I forgot to tell you that you can carry ten pokemon with you.
Ash: Huh, how professor; I thought a trainer is allowed to carry six pokemon only??
Oak: After becoming a champion, you can carry ten pokemon while you can use only six in a battle.
Ash: Oh okay professor, I think the others will be happy to hear this.

Ash went to the ranch and called all his pokemon. They talked for sometime and decided that which pokemon Ash will be carrying. Ash decided to carry Pikachu, Magenium, Typholsion, Snorlax, Feraligator, Swellow, Glalie, Lycanroc and Noctowl. He went inside and got their pokeballs and returned them except Pikachu . He thought that he should keep the four pokeballs in the bag as he don't wanted so much attention because of him carrying ten pokeballs. He then, went inside to talk with professor Oak and met with Gary on the way.

Oak: Ash and Gary, I wanted you two to have this Holo Caster. This will help you to communicate with me even if you are not in a pokemon center.
Ash: Thanks professor!!
Gary: Cool gramps, you know how to please a cool man like me.
Ash(sweatdrops and thinks): Looks like after getting Articuno, he is getting cocky again.
Oak: So, you two are ready??
Ash: Yes, professor I am ready.
Gary: Let's go then, Ashy boy!!

They said their goodbyes to Oak and start their journey towards the Viridian city. With Pikachu on his shoulder and lot of determination in his mind, Ash starts his journey for an important mission. Gary was ahead him and Ash caught up with him in few moments. Ash was thinking how will this journey go as he was with Gary. He knew Gary was no longer the arrogant, egoistic person but he still had some issues. He thought which friends he will be meeting. They were both working silently and Ash realized that they had entered the Viridian forest. His best memory here was when he along with Pikachu saw Ho-oh.

Gary: So Ash, how about a match when we reach a secluded place between Articuno and Pikachu??
Ash(grins): You are on!!

They reached an open area and Gary released Articuno. He lowered his temperature of hand so, that he don't feel cold on touching Articuno. Gary petted the ice type legendary bird. Pikachu jumped from Ash's shoulder and sparked his cheeks indicating that he is ready for the battle. Articuno flew in front of Pikachu while Gary announced the match to begin.

Gary: Articuno, start with Blizzard!!
Ash: Pikachu, hold the ground with your tail!!

Articuno used Blizzard due to which there was a temperature drop in the surroundings. Pikachu tried to hold his ground but Blizzard was powerful and Pikachu skid back by few feet.

Gary: Ice beam!!
Ash: Pikachu dodge and use thunder shock!!

Articuno prepared a blue ball in front of his beaks and fired the ice beam but Pikachu dodged it narrowly as blizzard was still in effect. Pikachu then, fired a thunder shock on Articuno who dodged it. Ash gritted his teeth because he knew that it is not easy for Pikachu to launch the attacks and hit Articuno. He cannot wait for blizzard to end too as Pikachu could be easily defeated by the time, blizzard will stop. Ash then asked Pikachu to quick attack and run around Articuno. Gary knew Pikachu was quick so, he asked Articuno to freeze the field.

Ash: Jump and use iron tail on Articuno before he could do something.
Gary: Huh??

Pikachu jumped up and used Iron tail on Articuno's wing as he flinched on contact. Articuno felt the pain as iron tail was powerful. Ash didn't stop and asked Pikachu to use Electro web on Articuno.
Gary asked him to dodge but Articuno couldn't dodge it as he his wing was injured.

Gary: Snart move, Ashy boy but not enough to win against us. Articuno, use steel wing!!
Ash(smirks as he got an idea): Pikachu, brace yourself!!

Gary was confused why Ash asked it but soon got horrified as he now remembered what Ash will try to do. He asked Articuno to shake Pikachu off but it wasn't able to as Pikachu used thunder on him. Articuno started falling down as he wasn't able to control his flight while Piakchu was using thunder.

Ash: Let's stop the fight and consider it as a draw. We don't want Articuno to be seriously injured.
Gary: Yeah, you are right.
Ash: Pikachu, stop the attack!!

Pikachu stopped the attack and Articuno was close to ground when he stabilized himself and Pikachu. Articuno flew down and Pikachu jumped in Ash's arms who was open for him. Gary thanked the bird for a fight and returned him. Pikachu got on his position on Ash's shoulder. They then, started going to Viridian city again while on the way, Gary complimented both Ash and Pikachu for the powerful display of their strength. They reached the Viridian city by the sun sets and soon, booked a room for themselves in Pokemon center. They also booked the tickets for ferry to Cianwood city as they needed some medicinal supplies which were available there only before starting their quest to top of mountain. Ash and Gary had dinner and went to sleep in their respective rooms.

Hope you like this chapter. PLEASE vote and comment. New chapter will be updated by the end of this month. Tell me who you want to Ash join first


Till then, Bye.

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