Climb of Mt. Silver

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The sun had risen and Pikachu woke up from the sun rays. He started to wake up Ash with his paws. Ash soon got awoken and decided to take shower and get ready. Pikachu thought he could sleep till Ash gets ready. Ash got ready after wearing his cap and Pikachu climbed on his shoulder. They went downstairs to the cafeteria and saw Gary eating his food. Ash took his food and some ketchup for Pikachu. They went and sat in front of Ash.

Ash: Good Morning, Gary!!          

Gary: Good Morning, Ash!!

Ash: So, u are ready to take the ferry??

Gary: Yeah, we will reach the city and hope to climb the mountain as soon as possible.

Ash: Yes and meet the next protector to join our team and find which pokemon protector he or she is.

Ash and Gary finished the breakfast quickly. They then, left the pokemon center and proceeded towards the dock. They talked about a few things of pokemon and what Gary has learnt about Mount Silver. They reached the dock and waited for their boat. Soon, the boat arrived and they got on it. They knew they will soon reach Cianwood city as it is not that far from Kanto.

After two hours

Ash was standing on railing, watching the ocean. He was thinking to start training his pokemon very hard.  He has to get prepared for whatever is coming. He was snapped out of thoughts by the horn of the boat signifying they have reached the docks of Cianwood city. He picked Pikachu and placed him on his shoulder, getting his bagpack on. He found Gary waiting for him near the exit.

Gary: Where were you?? I have been waiting here for last five minutes.

Ash: I was near the railings, just relaxing.

Gary: Okay, let's go before the boat leaves this port.
Ash: Yeah

Ash and Gary left the boat and excited the dock too. They were walking towards the other exit of town from where the forest starts. They saw people roaming and talking to each other. When they crossed a park, Pikachu saw little children playing with some Eevee. They, then went ahead and soon, reached the forest. Once they reached a secluded spot, they brought out Charizard and Articuno. Gary mounted Articuno while Ash mounted Charizard with Pikachu but not before being roasted by the fire pokemon's flamethrower. They started flying towards Mt.Silver. Gary was ahead as he knew the way and Ash, we all know is poor with directions. Gary looked to Ash if he was doing okay, only to find him thinking with serious expression on his face.

Gary: What are you thinking, Ashy-boy??

Ash: How many times I have told you to call me Ash, Gare-Bear.

Gary: Yeah Yeah, but what were you thinking??

Ash: Just how much time we will need to get all protectors and why are we doing this.

Gary: I thought about it too, I hope we soon find an answer.

With that conversation going, they continued on their flight towards the mountain. They reached the base of mountain after being in aur for almost two hours. They recalled their Pokemon after thanking them for the flight. They still had five, six hours in a day before it could get dark. So, they thought to climb it and maybe find some cave if they didn't find anything till dark. So, Gary started the climb first. Ash was ready and started too once he made sure Pikachu was safely in the bag. It was easy at the start but as they were going more away from the land, the more difficult it became. They decided to take some rest and have lunch once Gary told him that it is one in afternoon. They spotted a large rock and brought out some sandwiches they took at Cianwood city. Ash also give Pikachu some pokefood so that, he is energized to battle of the situation like that arrives. After eating their lunch, they started the climb again.

Gary: So, Ash ready to climb this mountain again or want to go back?

Ash: Yeah, let's go up and find the protector, Gary.

Gary: Be safe as the climb will keep on getting difficult as we reach new heights.

Ash: Yes, I know. I have climbed mountains before too!!

Gary: Okay okay.

While climbing, they noticed the fog increasing and it was becoming difficult to see for them. Soon, they reached a cliff. When they looked down to see how much they have climbed, they couldn't see a thing because of the fog. They decided to remain close so, that they don't lose each other or fall off. They also noticed that they have climbed for two hours since they last took rest. They thought of starting the climb again but before Gary would start, Ash stopped him.

Ash: Hey, Gary look. There's a cave and it looks like it is not natural cave since, there are no Pokemon anywhere near, at this height.

Gary: Yeah now I think like that, it looks a bit out of place. Let's see if we can find something.

Ash: Yes, Pikachu get ready.

They went towards the cave but when they were about to enter it, they were hit by an invisible shield. They were hit and went back some distance from the entrance. Ash and Gary thought of breaking the shield. Pikachu came in front of Ash while Gary decided to use his powers.

Ash: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!!

Gary: Ice Ball!!

Pikachu and Gary hit the same spot but there wasn't any scratch. They launched another attack but again, it failed.

Inside the cave

We see two men and one woman just talking to each other. Suddenly, one guy sensed a presence out of the cave and silenced the other two. The two then, also sensed something.

???: I should go and check, who is here.

???: Yeah, we will wait here. If it is a pokemon, let it come in.

???: Okay


Pikachu used Iron Tail on the screen too but still wasn't able to break the shield. Gary was frustrated and decided to bring out Articuno. But before he could release Articuno, Ash told him to look in the cave. Both were able to see a person covered in darkness of cave.

Gary: Who are you??

Hope you like the chapter. Please vote and comment. Sorry for updating this story after so long. I will try to be regular now. Next chapter will be uploaded soon too. Till then, bye.

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