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We see that Ash and Gary has reached a cave. They thought to enter it but wasn't able to. They tried to break the shield, that is preventing them for entering, by attacking. Pikachu attacked with Thunderbolts while Gary used his powers. But nothing was able to break the shield so, Gary got frustrated and decided to break the shield with help of Articuno. As Gary was going to release the the ice type member of Legendary birds, Ash stopped him by saying that he could see a person in the cave. Gary focused in the darkness and could indeed see, a man standing in darkness facing them.

Gary: Who are you??

???: It doesn't matter who am I. The thing here matters is why are you here??

Gary: We are here to find something.

???: What will u find at a snowy mountain at such a height??

Gary: That's none of your business.

???: Ohh so, I can't help you. Go back!!

Before Gary could say anything, Ash spoke.

Ash: So, what are you doing there? And how are you able to enter the cave when we can't??

???: I am here because I want to. And for how was I able to enter it because there was no sheild before I entered but once I entered, I made the shield.

Ash: Okay but you have to let us in.

???: Else what will you do??

Gary: I will show you.

Gary used his powers and created a strong Ice Ball attack. The attack again hit the shield and got destroyed. But when the attack was forming, the person inside was surprised and knew that his and the other people's time has come to join what they have been waiting for. But the person watching Ash and Gary decided to test what power the two people in front of him are having.

???:  Huh it's nothing, you call that an attack!! I will show you what's an attack.

The person created a ball of energy and fired a Hyper beam. Gary was saved due to Ash pushing him out of the way. They both stood up again.

Gary: Who are you? How are you able to attack just like me?

???: Let me help with that.

The person lowered the shield. As shield was present, neither Ash nor Gary was able to sense the protector.  Now, both sensed that person in front of them is none other is a protector. But they could sense two more presence of protectors nearby.

Ash: Which pokemon's protector are you??

???: Before that, tell me your names.

Gary: Ash asked you before, you tell us first.

???: Do you want to enter or get attacked??

Ash: Okay okay, we will answer you first. My name is Ash and this is my friend, Gary.

???(surprised): You are Gary Oak(pointing towards Gary) and you are Ash Ketchum(pointing towards Ash).

Ash(shocked): How do you know our full names??

The person didn't answered Ash and just remained silent. While Gary went near him to get the answer, but when he reached there and saw the person coming in light, he stopped. He got shocked when he saw who the person in front of him was.

Gary: Ddd.....Dad?? DAD!!

Gary went and hugged his father as the person in front of them was, Blue Oak. Ash also got happy seeing this reunion and went towards the father son duo. Ash saw the emotions in the hug and remembered his father too. A tear was also shed from his eyes. Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder and saw the father hugging his son.

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