Sebastian's Beginning

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Credit @Pockypanda31  for this beautiful character, she also made Tibs who is shown at the bottom, so *Applause* last chapter and this chapter are dedicated to her, for being the one who made me upload these XD

The Riddler had made a deal with Selena before he went into Arkham the last time, and now she has taken in another boy, a year older than Tibs and three older than Eli and Myra, though that didn't matter much to any of them. His name was Sebastian, and he was very intelligent, though had some interesting quirks.

His father seemed to realize he had a hard time separating his desire for his criminal life and the love of his son. He wanted both but knew he couldn't have them. So he made a deal with Selena. She would watch over his son and whenever he was on the outside he'd visit and try to play a role in his son's life, rather than him going into foster care and never seeing him again, and in exchange he owed her.

Seb was heartbroken that his father couldn't choose, or rather that he didn't choose him. Harley was a real help with his developed abandonment issues that arose from that deal. Selena did her best to make him feel welcome and made it a point to assure him she didn't say yes just so Riddler could owe her one.

Tibs and Seb got along fantastically, though Tibs took great pleasure in teasing Seb every chance he got. It took him a while but Seb got used to it, though he still got bashful about it occasionally. Tibs had no filter.

Selena, Harley, and Ivy found that the four of their kids seemingly unconsciously formed their own pack. Or pride, since one was actually a cat and a group of cats is called a pride. Yeah, pride seemed to fit better.

They loved being around each other and were almost always in contact one way or another. Usually by text, but sometimes they would video call and play mobile games online together. That always kept them entertained for hours. Eventually, because Myra and Eli were so quiet, their parents couldn't tell if they were on a call or not so they came up with hand gestures so they didn't accidentally interrupt them.

Sometimes Selena would take them out to stores, arcades, or even the park and they never strayed from each other. Where one went the others usually followed, though they also believed in personal time and space so when one wanted to be alone or do something by themselves the others respected that. Selena almost always was the one to bring them out because the other two were recognizable in the worst way and they didn't want to bring that upon the children.

They were big believers in no man left behind. This also meant when Tibs got in trouble the other three would get him out or share the punishment. Tibs was the most eccentric and outgoing of the three so usually when in public he'd do a lot of the talking, which was what landed them in trouble so Seb quickly learned to speak up as the eldest of the group.

It seemed that Harley's degree came in handy with their group a lot due to the traumatic nature of most of their previous home lives or how they came to be in their care. This also caused them all to be very emotionally mature, and since they were all homeschooled by them, they were smarter than nearly all the kids their age too. They were a unique bunch but those three women loved all four of them completely.

They were a calm bunch, but once they got riled up things got loud and messy. Literally. They were still kids after all. When they decided to have a party for whatever reason, something always ended up spilled or covered in glitter or feathers, and the sound system usually got cranked to the latest hit songs and they'd loudly sing along. This was also why they got their sugar limited because when they got a bunch of sugar, they got restless and somehow fed off Tibs' chaotic energy and turned into their own versions of chaos gremlins.

Before them, Seb didn't really socialize much. He was reserved and kept to himself. He didn't see the point in socializing with kids his age because they couldn't ever keep up with him. They never even tried. The only one who understood him was his father, but he got sent to Belle Reve or Arkham Asylum and Seb got left alone.

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