Chapter 15: The Tale Of The Siren's Song On Snider's Top (Mission 11) Pt 1

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Usea, New Arrows Base
August 10, 2019

At the briefing room of New Arrows Base, the base commander started the briefing.

Briefing commander: Trigger, President, Count. We've received official confirmation about what we're supposed to do with you.
The company commander has made it clear he'd like all three of you to officially join our squadron.

The three look to Wiseman as he nods in confirmation and gives a thumbs up.

Briefing commander: This is a unprecedented move. It seems like you've got some people looking out for you. Still, I think it's because of how you conducted yourselves. I believe you'll all be an asset to us.

As they were given of their briefing the base commander, tells how this group started when a there was a hole in the drone's auto intercept system.
Which the three noticed of the previous missions they done shown on the map, when they heard the LRSSG send people to scout and engage combat that it cause Count to stand up.

Count: Oh so, what I'm hearing and seeing is you used us to test the drones! You had us criminals to fight for you?!

Wiseman: Count, calm down we didn't realize it until we've had you officially joined us.

Briefing commander: I understand you have the right to be angry, but we had to make that choice given that pilots are valuable and required the time to train them.
In so we couldn't afford to lose manpower if we send them, but now that you're pardoned and in our group this would be a way to accommodate you for wherever we sent you.

The briefing continued as the commander says that they're going to attack a naval fleet at Snider's Top.
Trigger, Prez and Count were introduced to their squadron. With Trigger and Prez as Strider 1 and Count as Cyclops 2.

For Strider squadron they meet Skald, Jaeger and Lanza. As for Cyclops squadron they're reintroduce to Huxian and new member named Fencer.

Now Trigger and Prez are inside their hanger with their repainted F-14, with white gloss paint on the fuselage and Have glass paint on the variable swept wings.
Alongside that they had their tail rudders on the inside painted with gold and white three strikes, while their emblems are on the outside.

 Alongside that they had their tail rudders on the inside painted with gold and white three strikes, while their emblems are on the outside

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(A/N) This is for reference for the tail rudders. Mod is F-14D Classics

Last they had the Strider emblem on the nose area, where the fire bird emblem used to be.

Count then entered inside the hanger as he speaks to Trigger and Prez.

Count: Hey Trigger, Prez. How come you two get to be number 1, while I'm stuck as number 2? Oh well, I guess I can let it slide for now.
Anyways, what you think of the F-15s we got? I say they're a better improvement than my old plane.

Trigger: I thought you're used to your SU-33?

Count: Yeah, I was but it doesn't have the maneuverability and the speed I want. Also the Hvaas on the 33 were not to my taste, due to they fly too fast and can't get a kill most of the times.

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