Chapter 21 The End And Beginning

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After the battle with Phantom Task the goverment wanted to apologize however we refused to accept it because of the trouble they caused us after which all IS academy students had to return home while repairs to the academy and the tower where being done.

2 years later

Ichika was sitting at his house doing a little reading while his sister was helping with the repairs to the academy and tower at first the damage wasn't too bad but once they looked closer the damage was much worse as everyone went home during the repairs Cecilia returned to England, Rin to China, Houki went to kendo tournements and became champion 5 times in a row as for you, Laura and Charlotte you all took a trip to to Spain for some much needed couple time

To you, Laura and Charlotte

As you lay on the warm beach soaking in the sun Charlotte and Laura decide to enjoy the water before long you walk over to a nearby stand to get some refreshing drinks.

Me: "tres tragos por favor" - (3 drinks please).

Bartender: "por supuesto señor" - (of course sir).

After getting the drinks you walk over to Charlotte and Laura handing them their drinks but as you take a sip of your drink you notice some men in suits approach the 3 of you as you look at them.

Suit 1: "Ha llegado el momento de volver a casa" - (the time has come to return home).

Me: Muy bien informar a los demás de esto". - (very well inform the other of this).

Suit 2: "por supuesto señor" - (of course sir).

After that you, Charlotte and Laura gather up your things before heading to the private plane which you own as you all take off Charlotte and Laura were talking about girl things as you smiled at how much freedom they have.

Me: "I'm glad to see your both happy".

Charlotte: "Well you are the reason for that".

Laura: "Charlotte is right besides let us talk about marriage".

Charlotte: "Laura you know we can't".

Me: "Well not for another year at least but we will soon be 18 years old so I make this promise to marry the both of you how does that sound".

The 3 of you enjoy the flight back as you arrive at the newly rebuilt IS academy as you, Charlotte and Laura walk off the plane Chifuyu was there to greet you but so was Ichika, Rin, Houki and Cecilia.

Ichika: "Hey dude how was Spain".

Me: "Good me, Laura and Charlotte got some sun and had some fun but lets not get into that right now what's the story with you and Houki".

Ichika: "Shhh keep it quiet if Cecilia and Rin find out they will kill me".

Me: "Don't worry your relationship is safe with me".

After we all got to reunit with each other Chifuyu leads us to a much improved command room but then again it is my tech so it should be before a hologram of Phantom Task appears and we all knew the day would come when they would return as you look at the one of Madoka still wondering how she can be related to Ichika and Chifuyu.

Me: "I take it you bought us all here because Phantom Task is back".

Chifuyu: "Your correct but at the moment their movements have become random and we have no way to know where they will show up next".

Cecilia: "Then how will find them".

Me: "IS energy all IS units run on an energy source never before believed until the IS units were created of course it will also be tough to locate them since many countries have IS pilots already".

Rin: "So we just wait for them to strike".

Charlotte: "It's a little more complicated you see we would need to locate them before then or they will get away with their target but since they are very skilled at hiding we have no real way to track them".

Houki: "Charlotte's right nothing we do will change the fact Phantom Task is able to hide in plain sight but something tells me F/n already has an idea or two".

Me: "Well I actually came up with one hundred and eighty ways of finding Phantom Task but like you said they can hide in plain sight so most go out the window however while on our little trip to spain I hacked into the world security grid and added a couple things to help locate them".

Laura: "Like what"?

Me: "Oh nothing to extreme face profile, voice matching, a mapping of locations they recently head at and a system that narrows down their hideout location based on the data".

Ichika: "You basically made it impossible for them to hide".

You gave him a cheeky smile knowing your action was the most cocky you could ever be as Chifuyu had you all on standby as she prepares for any data to come in on Phantom Task as you and the others take a walk around the academy and chat.

Me: "You know I have been thinking we all make a great team so how about we have a team name".

Laura: "Like what"?

Rin: "I know how about the Might IS Rangers".

Me: "Sounds too old school".

Cecilia: "I agree so how about IS Hero 6".

Me: "Makes us sound like kids".

Laura: "How about Black Bulls".

Me: "Not even going to touch that one but it's ok".

Ichika: "I have it The Big IS Theory".

Me: "We are a hero team not some TV show".

Houki: "Justice League".

Me: "That is a good one but it's taken we really should make our own name".

Charlotte: "How about Avengers if the world falls we avenge it".

Me: "Oh I like it ok as of this moment we will be known as The Avengers".

As everyone agreed on the name Chifuyu tells you all to mobalize as Phantom Task has been located as you suit up and they activate their IS units and watch you walk forward.


After that you all fly off toward Phantom Task but you knew from this moment things were about to change however you also decide to give yourself a hero name and something Charlotte and Laura told you made a great hero name.

Me: "Hey everyone I am going to be using a hero name when were dealing with criminals".

Ichika: "And what's that"?

Me: "I am Iron Man".


Hope you all enjoyed this story and I hope you like the way I ended it thank to everyone for their support and just taking the time to read it because I enjoy writing when I know my readers our happy and enjoy them.

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