Chapter 3

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Katsuki woke up to a faint knock heard on his door. He thought it was probably Jirou so he asked whoever was behind the door to come in. To his great dismay, it was Kirishima. Kirishima looked very happy and excited, which annoyed Katsuki. He just stared at the redhead prancing around his room picking up clothes for Katsuki to wear to the Crystallis kingdom. 

"Bakubro, wake up!! The King ordered you to get ready and meet him at the great hall." 

In return for Kirishima's order, Katsuki just turned and lied on his stomach, his back facing the ceiling.

"Shut up shitty hair." Katsuki groaned out, which was partially muffled due to his mouth and face being buried into his pillows.

" we don't have time, today is the day your finally gonna meet the love of your life." Kirishima said looking rosy and at his ease.

Katsuki just chuckled as a reply. He hadn't even met her and everyone is considering princess Aika as his wife already. Katsuki finally got up and snatched the suit from Kirishima who looked very disappointed. He looked Katsuki up and down and then said.

"Bakugou, didn't change after coming from town last night?"

"Nah...I was too lazy." Katsuki said walking to his restroom. 

"Well, make sure you bath properly, you don't want princess Aika thinking your an animal." Kirishima laughed out.

"I don't take orders from you." 

After 15 minutes Katsuki got out of the restroom wearing his suit, but with his hair all wet and damp, obviously he didn't dry it properly. Kirishima had the look of a disappointed mother. He sighed, loud enough for Katsuki to hear. 

"Oi shitty hair!"

"What is it Bakubro?"

"Will you be coming with me to Crystallis kingdom." Katsuki asked looking at the male in front of him. 

"If you want me too, but why?"

"Yeah, I want you to cause if the shitty princess is way to shitty for me then I might need your fucking help to control myself from killing her." Katsuki said taming his hair to look less wild.

"Ahh...Ok then, if you don't mind can I go pack my bag?"

"Sure, be quick about it and say Good morning to ears for me."

"You mean Jirou?"

"Whatever now hurry I am waiting."

Katsuki finished making himself look presentable. He walked out of his chamber to the great hall which was luckily near his room. He saw his parents seated on either side of the table. As they see him, Mitsuki beckoned him to sit down and have breakfast.

"You look very neat, Katsuki." Queen Mitsuki said as she looked at her son.

"Your right." King Masaru added.

The three of them ate breakfast together. Katsuki didn't dare say a word about the trip.

"Are you excited?" Mitsuki asked.

Katsuki looked at his mother.


"Why not?" Mitsuki questioned him again.

"I don't know, maybe because you arranged my marriage without talking to me first." Katsuki said still eating the Katsudon, served to him.

" don't be like that, your going to be so happy once you reach Crystallis kingdom."

The King, Queen and the Prince finished having their morning meal so they headed out of the castle into the outdoor. There they say their carriage already parked in front of them with the luggage they packed.

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