Chapter 6

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The three youngsters stood near the staircase exhausted after a 5-hour ball. They bid farewell to everyone who came to the party including the town's folks. They watched as the Royal quests and elites step into their carriages and rode off the castle grounds. Akagi and Aika were very excited for tomorrow, Their parents and Prince Katsuki's are going to the Town to talk to the villagers about the kingdom's food production, while they were at this, King Shiro acquainted Aika and Akagi in charge of the castle and kingdom.

Queen Mahiru walked up to the three and stated-

"Aika, Why don't you show Prince Katsuki around the Palace and the way to his chamber?" She asked, looking at her daughter.

"Of course, Mother." Aika said smiling at Queen Mahiru.

Aika asked Katsuki to follow her and Akagi as they walked down the now empty hallways. The moment the three were out of the vision of the Queen, the twins let out their true personalities come to life.

"So, Idiot why don't we invite Rieko and Nishiko tomorrow?" Aika asked as she looked towards her brother.

"Sure, we are gonna have a blast tomorrow." Akagi said, but he soon stopped in his tracks. He looked behind him to see a perplexed Katsuki.

"Ahh, Katsuki they are our friends from different nearby kingdoms." Aika said.

Katsuki didn't know what to say, so he just followed behind the two hearing their conversation. Aika showed Katsuki around the castle and he just trailed behind wondering where Kirishima was.

"This is my chamber, the opposite to this is Akagi's." Aika said pointing to two huge wooden doors, which had traditional patterns carved on it.

Aika then pointed to a room right next to her's and said it was Katsuki's.

"Sis, it is getting late. I am gonna go and sleep." Akagi said and entered his chamber closing it soon after.

Aika looked at the closed door and then turned to Katsuki. "He goes to sleep early."

She then opened the door to Katsuki's chamber and showed him around. Katsuki was astonished at how huge it was. More than 50 people can fit in this room excluding themselves.

"Do you mind me asking you something?" Aika asked.


"You don't have full consent over this wedding do you?" Aika asked.

"Not really, My parents just told me about the wedding and engagement a day before I came here." Katsuki said stuffing his hands into the pockets of his suit.

"Well, let us make a plan. We can act like we are totally in love and once we are married and we claimed All might's MHA capital, we can get divorced." Aika said.

"I was thinking the same thing." Katsuki stated. He actually was pretty sad in the inside, he didn't want to divorce her. He wanted to be her husband and rule the kingdom together.

"That's good, anyway I'll leave you to rest."

"Hmph," Katsuki hummed.

"Good night, Katsuki."

"Good night." He replied.

~Le royal time skip~


Katsuki heard a few knocks behind the door. He got up and told the person to come in. A cheerful, green haired boy walked into Katsuki's room wearing a silver Armour with his sword in it's sheath, buckled up around around his waist. He walked towards Katsuki and bowed.

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