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Yani sungit


jelly bean 🌞
panini bread 🙁

are you still mad at me

Yani sungit

Sorry. Needed to cool my head
lang and I really have to study.

Nagdinner ka na?

jelly bean 🌞
im gonna cry

Yani sungit


jelly bean 🌞
bcos youre not mad!!! 😭😭😭

im really sorry 😞 i know it's my
fault and i made you wait and
i made you hungry and i told
u i have time but i ended up arriving
so late im so sorry

Yani sungit
I'm not going to say that it's okay
because it's really not.

But I'm not mad. And also you
made me worry.

jelly bean 🌞
kasi naman sskskks i really thought
the group meeting would go quickly
lang 😞

then it didnt and i couldnt leave tapos
i wanted to look pretty pa so i changed
clothes and all sshshsh im sorry

dont hate me

Yani sungit
What the hell

I don't hate you. Never.

jelly bean 🌞
bawi ako next time

i swear

Yani sungit

But next time just please be honest.
If you don't have time I will understand.

jelly bean 🌞
but you said you needed a break

i only wanted to help

Yani sungit
Look what happened.

jelly bean 🌞

oh no


idk why i keep making it worse

Yani sungit
Sorry. I didn't mean it that way.

It's not okay but I appreciate you trying.

And you looked nice. I'm annoyed but you
looked nice so that's unfair

jelly bean 🌞
next time i'll be prettier when i arrive late

Yani sungit
Next time don't be late.

jelly bean 🌞
RIGHT 😭😭😭😭😭

hala sorry talaga 🥲☹️😞 ang daming
ginagawa and naooverwhelm na din ako
sksksksksks 🥺

Yani sungit
Are you doing something?

jelly bean 🌞
im supposed to


Yani sungit
Are you being serious or is that just
an expression?

Do you want comfort food?

jelly bean 🌞
no i'll be okay

ikawww are u okay ure supposed
to be reviewing sa test right

Yani sungit
I'm okay now.

I just wanted to talk you.

Review na ko.

jelly bean 🌞
oki dont overwork urself

Yani sungit
Talk to me before you sleep.

jelly bean 🌞
i will sing u to sleep

Yani sungit
Please don't.

jelly bean 🌞
SO MEAN!!!!!!!!!
Yani sungit reacted with 😆

Yani sungit
Okay lang yan. Maganda ka naman.

jelly bean 🌞
i hate u 😡

BGKSKFKSE i dont!!!!!!!!!!
Yani sungit reacted with 😆

jelly bean 🌞
mwaps 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 (with rage)
Yani sungit reacted with 😆

Half Meant (Lovestruck Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon