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jelly bean 🌞


jelly bean 🌞
are you here

can we talk


Yani sungit
Class just ended.


jelly bean 🌞
im sorry

i knew you went here last night

sorry i lied and sorry na i wasted
your time kasi wala naman ako here

i know youre busy and youre making
time but im taking it for granted 😔

im really sorry

Yani sungit
I'm not mad that you're not there.
Hindi naman ako nagsabing
magkikita tayo.

I just don't get why you have to lie
about it.

jelly bean 🌞
i was with oliver

jelly bean 🌞
i was sad and i wanted a friend

Yani sungit
And I can't be the first person you
would think of going to when you're sad?

jelly bean 🌞
im sorry

i mean i know we're not ok pa rin
bcos of what happened last week and
you have a lot on ur plate

Yani sungit
You should have just told me
you're not home.

jelly bean 🌞
i didnt want you to worry


Yani sungit
We talked about this already.

You can just ask me if I am ready
to hear what you're going to say.

If oo then it turns out I can't handle it
then it won't be your problem.

jelly bean 🌞
im really sorry

abt oli and for acting out nung
last dinner date natin 😔

i wasnt in a good mood then sayo
ko nilabas thats not fair 🙁

Yani sungit

I'm not really mad

It's just

You make me feel bad.

Yani sungit
About myself and about other
things. I don't know.

I just really don't like it.

You replied to yourself
And I can't be the first person you
would think of going to when you're sad?
I take this back. It's okay ↲

You have friends and I'm not taking
you away from them.

Yani sungit
But I want to be included.

I don't like it when I'm left out.

I know hindi obvious but


jelly bean 🌞

im sorry

next time i'll tell you where i am
na promise

Yani sungit
What time did you go home?
You slept there?

jelly bean 🌞
madaling araw

i had to prep for class eh. oli's mom
drove me back

Yani sungit
Anong ginawa niyo?

jelly bean 🌞
nothing much

i tried to review and hes also studying
pero our combined attention span is
less than that of a goldfish so 😭😭

hahahahaha wala we just watched things
and ate and studied in between naps

Yani sungit

Do you feel better now?

jelly bean 🌞
bloated bc of the pints of ice cream 🍦
but yes im better now hshshahda

and i told oli you dont like him and now
hes scared of you kasi sabi ko i'll make
u two meet again one time 😭

jelly bean 🌞
we're not in a fight anymore?

Yani sungit
I don't like it when we fight.

Naglalunch ka na?

jelly bean 🌞
yes im with classmates

can i call later

Yani sungit

I'll wait.

* * *

a/n: <55 parts left mahaba (?) pa :]

Half Meant (Lovestruck Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon