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Yani sungit

APR 8, 10:16

jelly bean 🌞
happy birthday to your mom! 🎂

APR 8, 17:19

Yani sungit
She says thanks.

How are you?

jelly bean 🌞
oki lang hehe

what abt ur bday r u going to
celebrate ba

Yani sungit
Maybe. I think?

Baka dinner lang sa bahay.
Exams are nearing and Papa's busy din
kasi. Do you want to come?

jelly bean 🌞

kung okay lang????? shhsshhshs

Yani sungit
Bakit hindi okay?

Yani sungit
You can go. Pupunta rin naman
sina Clark.

jelly bean 🌞
idk what to get for u


Yani sungit
No need to bring anything.

But you can bring soy milk for my brother.
Ilang araw na nangungulit samin ni Ate as if
he can't buy it himself.
jelly bean 🌞 reacted with 😆

jelly bean 🌞
bunso ih!!!! hahahaha cute 😭

but for u? it's ur bday 🙁

Yani sungit
Seriously, I don't want anything.

I'm fine with you being here.

Yani sungit
If you're free.

jelly bean 🌞
can i go there alone ba

is it ok if sabay ako kina liah 😗

Yani sungit
I'll pick you up.

jelly bean 🌞
no it's your birthday 😤

Yani sungit
Isasabay ko rin naman sila.

Don't worry about it.

jelly bean 🌞
i can go to straight ur place na lang

Yani sungit
It's okay.

jelly bean 🌞


Yani sungit
Don't 😡 me.
jelly bean 🌞 reacted with 😆

Yani sungit
Birthday ko naman. Ako masusunod.

jelly bean 🌞
hay sige ok!!!!

Half Meant (Lovestruck Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon