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Yani sungit

MAY 6, 12:06

Yani sungit
See you later?

Sunduin kita sa gate when you're
here already.

jelly bean 🌞
okies! ☺️

eat lang me lunch

Yani sungit

Ingat on your way here.
jelly bean 🌞 reacted with 💞

MAY 6, 14:59

jelly bean 🌞
here na! 🥰

Yani sungit
I see you.

jelly bean 🌞
where r u

MAY 6, 18:26

jelly bean 🌞
r u home na?

Yani sungit
Buying coffee lang then I'll nap.

Why? You need anything?

jelly bean 🌞
no uhm

thank you lang

Yani sungit
No problem.

You had a rough week.

jelly bean 🌞
idk pano to ipreserve HUHU

Yani sungit
I don't believe it's your first time
to receive flowers.

jelly bean 🌞
first time yung bouquet!!! 😭😭😭

thank you 🙁

lagi ano lang one stem ganun shshsha
thank you gulat aq 🥺💗

Yani sungit
Is it not too much?

I thought I should get you a smaller
one but Aliah and Clark told me
to go all out lol. Sabi ko baka mahirapan
ka mag-uwi.

jelly bean 🌞
nooooo oki lang

hinatid mo naman me

ang pretty

huhuhuHUHU ilang kape to
Yani sungit reacted with 😆

MAY 6, 18:39

jelly bean 🌞
whats this for
Seen 18:39

MAY 6, 18:52

Yani sungit
I don't know.

Yani sungit
I just wanted to give you
something nice.

You deserve it.

jelly bean 🌞
thank you

jelly bean 🌞
i'll call mommy kasi idk wtd
with them 😭

Yani sungit

Call me if you need anything else.

jelly bean 🌞
oki tenkyu so much yani sungit ☹️💞



solnyshko 🔒 @avivigeanne
ang ganda ganda ☹️💗💐



📁 Always
Modified May 6 by Adianne Nikola Villaecija

👤 Adianne Nikola Villaecija
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geanne ⚡️ @avilagenesis
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