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Yani sungit


jelly bean 🌞

i have a question


Yani sungit
Class ended a bit early.

What is it?

jelly bean 🌞
are we still fighting

Yani sungit
I don't like being in a quarrel with you.

Do you want to meet?

jelly bean 🌞
ayaw ko din away :-(((

i hav to finish something pa e
para free saturday ko for u 🥺

Yani sungit

Are you mad at me?

jelly bean 🌞
no :-(

im sorry about oli

i mean you already told me na you
didnt like him around me 😔 i made
you jealous di ko inisip feelings mo :-(

Yani sungit
He's your friend.

It's not your problem.

jelly bean 🌞
yes but if i can do smth naman abt it dba
☹️ sorry. close lang talaga kami ni oli
ever since :( i'll just be more mindful

and im sorry for making you worry ilang
times na 🥺😢 and for being needy 😔

Yani sungit
You were not being needy. You weren't
okay and you just wanted me to be
with you.

I'm sorry for not checking on you when
you already told me you have a problem
with your dad.

I told you weeks ago na I dont have the
emotional regulation of a toddler but
mali yata ako hahahaha

These are just all new to me and it feels
weird that I have no idea what I'm doing

I always know what I'm doing.

jelly bean 🌞
no 🥺 youre doing more than ok

i know you are

Yani sungit
No kasi

I wanted to be with you even if I don't have
the time then I'll get mad at you when I can't
juggle all things at once

And it frustrates me when someone else is
there for you I think I'm just being selfish

I'm sorry.

I have no idea how relationships work.

I just know that I really want to keep this

jelly bean 🌞
you do???

am i not too much to handle

i know i am and

baka mapagod ka sakin 😔

i dont want that to happen
but idk what to do :-(

Yani sungit
Do you still like me?

jelly bean 🌞
i like you every day

Yani sungit
Then we're fine.

That's all I need.

Half Meant (Lovestruck Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon