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Corey POV, In the Groj.

I was sitting on the couch with Lanes while I waited for Kin and Kon to arrive.

"So." I said trying to break the slightly awkward silence.

"So..?" Lanes said, scrolling on her phone.

"We have about 5 minutes until Kin and Kon get here.. what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"I dunno.. wanna just talk? I know your good at that." Lanes chuckled.

"Ha-ha." I said sarcastically while also chuckling.

"So.. anything new?" Lanes asked, staring into my eyes.

"Uhh.. I've been thinking of getting my ears pierced?" I told her.

"Really? You'd look so cute!" Lanes said enthusiastically.

"Really..?" I said blushing, I always liked when Lanes called me "cute."

"Really." Lanes smiled at me.

We sat in silence for a bit.

"I'm gonna go tune my bass, so I'm ready for when Kin and Kon get here." Lanes said as she got up.

"I'll plug in all the amps and stuff." I said following her.

I put the amps on the stage and grabbed the cord and walked over to the outlet, I was blanking out until I tripped over the cord.

"Ouch!" Lanes and I said in unison.

I opened my eyes to see that I tripped onto Lanes, putting me on top of her.

"What.. is going on here..?" I heard Kin ask.

I quickly jumped off of Lanes, "Aah! Sorry Lanes.." I said scratching the back of my head.

Lanes got up, "It's fine but watch where your going next time!" She opened her eyes and saw Kin and Kon, standing behind the open garage door in shock.

"Oh.. hey guys, we are setting up for practice." I said trying to act like nothing happened, me being as red as a tomato didn't help their obvious suspicion.

"O..kay.." Kon said as he walked in.

Time skip, after practice.

"Phew.." I said sitting on the edge of the stage and sipping my water.

Lanes sat next to me, "So, when are you getting your ears pierced?"

"I dunno, I don't think my dad will let me honestly." I said disappointed.

"Well I can do it, I did mine." Lanes said tucking her hair behind her ear, revealing her tiny silver hoops.

"Really?! Wanna spend the night and do them?" I asked excitedly.

Lanes giggled, "Sure, I'll go home and get my stuff." She said as she jumped off the stage and walked out.

"Bye!" I waved, she waved back.

Kin sat next to me, "So you and Lanes huh?" He said with a smug grin.

"Knock it off man! We're just friends.." I said playfully.

"Oh drop the act, we see the way you look at eachother." He said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Whatever.." I said looking straight ahead.

I did really like Lanes.. I just didn't know if she liked me back, I did think she was a guy for so many years..

Laney POV

I was gathering my stuff in my blue and black checkered backpack, Core and I haven't had a sleepover in awhile, ever since he put he pieces together and figured out I was a woman a few months ago.

I changed into a slightly too small Grojband shirt from when I was 12 and some black sweatpants.

I ran downstairs with my backpack and started putting my black vans on.

"Laney? Where are you going?" Mom asked from the kitchen.

"I'm going back to Corey's house! Im spending the night!" I said getting my second shoe on.

"Ooh~ have fun then! Bye honey!"

"Bye mom!" I said walking out the door, luckily Core and I didn't live far from eachother.

Time skip, Laney gets to Corey's house.

"Guess who!" I said walking into the Groj.

"Hmm.. Trina?" Corey said laughing.

I fake gagged, "Never!" I said laughing and walking towards him.

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