Breaking Out

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I opened the front door to my mom standing there, I tried to rub off my makeup, that was smudged from me crying.

"LANEY PENN, WERE YOU DRINKING?!" Mom yelled angrily.

"What? No I wasn't mom!" I lied.


"Stop yelling! I didn't do it!" I said covering my ears.


I ran up to my room and slammed my door and locked it, luckily she didn't take my phone yet so I texted Corey as fast as I could.

core.. I can't make it 2 our gig.. my mom grounded me :(

Y?! :(

she found out we were drinking even though she had no proof.. I'm really sorry Core.. :(

just wait a bit, I'll figure something out..

I started to sob, I hated my mom, she ruined my gig, my kiss, and my life!

I screamed into my pillow until my head started to hurt.

I was feeling so many emotions, anger, sadness, guilt.

I laid on my bed and stared at my ceiling, a song came into my head..

Now come one, come all, to this tragic affair. Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair, so throw on the black dress mix in with the lot, you might wake up and notice your someone your not, if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, you can find out first hand what it's like to be me.

My singing was interrupted by a knock on my window, it was Core.

"Core?! What are you doing here?" I whispered as I opened my window.

"Watching the concert." He climbed into my room.

I blushed, I didn't like being the lead singer, I was always backup.

"What are you waiting for? Let's bust out of this jail!" He smiled.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, "Wait, how am I gonna get down, how'd you get up?!"

"I'll catch you, and that's a secret." He said as he jumped out of the window.

"I dunno Core.. this is pretty risky.." I said as I stuck my head out of the window.

"Do you trust me or not?" Core said as he held his arms out.

I took a deep breath and put my phone in my pocket and jumped, my soul left my body for a second until I landed into Corey's arms, like a princess.

We both made eye contact and blushed.

"Uh- Sorry I'll.." He said as he put me down.

"I guess we should probably run.." I said as we started to run.

Time skip, Corey's POV, Corey's room.

I shut the door behind me as Lanes sat on my bed.

"What am I gonna do if my mom catches me? I'll be grounded for life!" Lanes said worried.

"Don't worry about that right now.." I said as I sat next to her and put my arm around her.

"You always know just what to do.. most of the time.. thanks Core.." Lanes said as she hugged me.

My heart was pounding, this was the moment I knew, for a fact, I love Laney.

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