Valentines Day

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Laney POV, Morning

I woke up from my phone beeping, I had a slight headache and I had my head on Corey's lap, he was propped up against the wall, sound asleep.

I smiled and grabbed my phone from beside me, 24 missed calls from mom and alot of texts.

I didn't want my mom to think I got kidnapped or something so I texted her.

I'm fine.

I was still mad so I didn't say anything else, I just silenced my phone.

"You up Core?" I asked quietly.

"Huh..?" Sleepy Core said.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." I apologized.

"It's okay Lanes.." He said yawning.

"My mom is really mad.. I think I should go home.." I said shakily.

"You can't go home now! You'll be banned from everything!" Core looked into my eyes.

I got lost in his eyes, "Huh? Oh yeah.. I guess that's true.."

"We have our gig today, and you cannot miss it!" Corey exclaimed.

"Okay okay.." I gave in.

Time skip, afternoon

The band all sat on the couch, "Okay Grojbandians, are we ready to rock?!" Corey exclaimed.

"Yeah!!" Kon shouted.

"Let's rock!" I exclaimed.

"Woo!!" Kin screamed.

We headed out of the Groj with our equipment, "Wait, how are we gonna get Trina to go diary again?" I asked.

"Don't worry Lanes, I've got it all under control." Core reassured me.

I took a deep breath and continued walking.

Time skip, at the festival

My heart was racing, everything was so.. romantic..

I sighed and plugged in my bass.

I looked over and saw Trina and Nick Mallory, I tried to think of what Core was possibly gonna do to make her go diary..

And now.. introducing Grojband!

I looked at Core, he didn't look worried at all..

"This one goes out to a special someone!" Core said as he looked at me and started to sing.

Oh, my love is like a virus
Ain't no doctor gonna stop it
Why won't you just come and play with me?

Corey gave me a loving smile, my heart was gonna explode!

Yes, this feeling is contagious
I think you should be courageous
Why don't you just come and play with me?

I started to tear up, this was it! My dream was coming true!

Don't be afraid..

Kiss my lips, they're red like rubies
Don't be frightened 'bout my cooties

Romance me like a silent movie
Don't you want to catch my cooties?

Cooties, cooties

Cooties, cooties..

"I love you Lanes, I've loved you for years." Corey gave me a dopey smile.

I couldn't form words, I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him.

'Oohs' and 'awws' came from the crowd.

"I love you Core! I love you so goddamn much!" I said as I kissed him again.

Applause came from the crowd, "Thank you Peaceville!" Core said as we walked off the stage, holding hands.

"So does this mean.. we're a thing..?" Corey asked nervously.

"Definitely." I said as I kissed him again.

We looked over to see Kin and Kon, looking like they just saw a ghost.

I laughed and walked away with Corey, now this, this was love.

Bandmates (Corey X Laney)Where stories live. Discover now