So Close

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Corey POV, Morning.

I woke up next to a sleeping Laney, I laughed when I remembered what we did yesterday.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone to check the time.

11:32 AM.

I got up quietly and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey Coreloser. BAM!" Trina yelled.

"Bam indeed." Mina added.

"I'm not awake enough for this.." I sat at the island and rubbed my eyes.

"So like, where's your girlfriend, not that I #care." Trina asked.

"G-girlfriend? Oh Lanes.. she's still sleeping." I said yawning.

"TLDR, come on Mina, I think I sense hunky Nick Mallory." Trina said as she walked out.

I gave up on understanding her years ago, I will never understand her, 'and junk.'

I laughed to myself as I got cereal from the pantry and poured it into a bowl.

"Hey Core.." Laney said, standing in the doorway as she rubbed her eyes.

"Morning sleepy head." I said as I grabbed another bowl for Lanes.

She stood next to me at the counter and poured herself cereal, "Are we still on for practice today?"

I opened the fridge and got the milk out, "Pretty sure."

"Kay, I better go home after breakfast then." Lanes said as she poured the milk in and sat at the island.

"We could have a possible gig tomorrow at this Valentines festival, I haven't asked yet, but why would they say no?" I said as I poured the milk and sat next to Lanes.

"Your confidence will never fail to impress me Core." Lanes smiled.

Time skip, Laney POV.

"See you later Core!" I said as I walked out of the Groj.

I got to my house and showered, after I brushed my hair and tried new styles, I just ended up doing my usual.

I put a red tank top with black stars on and green skinny jeans and my usual eyeliner.

I got downstairs and opened the fridge, I checked for mom and put a couple beer cans in my backpack.

I checked my watch, 2 PM, "Okayy, Kin and Kon should be there soon, I guess I'll get going."

I put my black boots on and headed out the door.

I wondered where my mom was but I ignored it and walked to Corey's house.

"Hey guys." I said as I walked in.

"What's with the nail polish dude?! And earrings?!" Kin asked Core.

"Blame her!" He said pointing at me.

Kin and Kon looked at eachother with 'the' look.

I set my heavy bag on the floor, making a thud. "What is in there? Dumbells?" Kon asked as I sat next to him and Kin on the couch.

"Yes Kon, I brought dumbells." I said sarcastically.

"Really?! Are we doing a workout video?!" Kon said excitedly, I rolled my eyes.

"So Core, did you get that gig at that festival or whatever?" I asked Core, who was on the computer.

He typed on the keyboard, "And.. gig scored!" He celebrated.

"Sweet!" Kin said.

"So how are we gonna get Trina to go diary this time?" I asked.

"I've got a crazy plan that just might work.." He smirked, I gave him an eyebrow raise.

"Okay then.." I said.

Time skip, after they got done playing.

"I am so ready for this gig!" Corey cheered while sitting next to me on the couch.

"You usually aren't this excited Core." I laughed.

I opened my bag which consisted of my phone, earbuds, some guitar picks, and 2 cans of beer.

I was digging for my phone but a can of beer fell out.

"Did you bring beer?" Corey said leaning over and grabbing the can.

"Yeah, I don't wanna get drunk though so i only brought 2." I said as I grabbed my phone and a can of beer.

We had only drank beer one time before, Core found his dad's stash and we got super drunk.

We opened the cans quietly so Kin and Kon wouldn't hear, they were testing out some invention Kin made anyway.

We both took a sip and set our cans on the floor, it was still somewhat cold luckily.

Corey and I just stared at each other in silence until we started laughing, Core's concentration face was so funny!

I took another sip to try to stop my laughter but it shot out of my nose.

"L-Lanes your gonna kill me.. with laughter!" Core said dying laughing.

"W-why are we laughing!" I said laughing as much as Core was.

"I don't even know!" Core said laughing.

I made the wild decision to start chugging, Core followed along.

I felt myself getting buzzed and sunk into the couch.

"We gotta head out, our mom wants us to 'spend quality time' with her." Kin said.

"See ya." Core said, I waved at them as they walked out.

"So.. how is it going..?" I asked Core.

"Fine.." Core said as we sat in silence.

I worked up the courage to move closer to Core, he noticed and also moved closer.

We were holding hands, my heart was gonna explode!

We both moved in closer, my cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

Our noses were touching, this was it..

Ring ring, ring ring.

I moved away and answered the call.

Mom? What's up?

Laney Penn! Get home right now!

Huh? What'd I do mom?!


"Sorry Core.. I think I'm in trouble.. I gotta go.." I said picking up my bag.

"That's cool.. see you tomorrow?" He said disappointed.

"Yeah.. Bye.." I said as I walked out.

I ran off and started to cry, I was this close..! And my mom had to ruin it!

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