His Shirt

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Corey POV

The movie just ended, and somehow I also ended up cuddling with Lanes!

"So what now?" I asked.

"Want me to stab a needle through your ear?" Lanes asked playfully.

"You make it sound terrifying!" I said.

"Oh come on, if I can do it so can you!" Lanes said getting up.

I sighed and Lanes got out a bag with a bunch of stuff, it felt like I was at the doctor!

Something wet touched my ear, "Ew! What's that?!" I moved away.

"Relax! It's a sterile wipe, now come back over here!" Lanes said pulling my arm.

I sighed and let her do it.

Lanes got a sharpie out and started drawing on my ear, "Why are you drawing on my ear?!" I flinched.

"Why are you so jumpy today Core? I need to mark where I'm gonna put it!" Lanes sighed.

"Okay, get ready!" Lanes said.

"Ready for wha- OWW!" I yelled as Lanes poked a needle through my ear.

"Relax, it's done now." Lanes said as she switched out the needle for a diamond stud.

"Ready for round 2?" Lanes said moving to my other ear.

"I guess.." I said as I let out a nervous sigh.

I yelped as she did it again.

"And.. done!" Lanes said as she held up a mirror.

"Sick!" I said admiring my new piercing, "Thanks Lanes!" I said as I looked over at Lanes, who was slightly blushing.

"No problem Core.. you look really good.." Lanes said smiling at me.

"Thanks.." I said as I smiled back.

"I guess I'll wash this stuff off." Lanes said as she grabbed the bag and started walking to the kitchen.

"I'll help." I said as I grabbed the empty popcorn bowl and followed Lanes.

She ran the water as I put some soap on the sponge and scrubbed the bowl.

I got done scrubbing and flicked some water onto Lanes.

"Hey!" Lanes said laughing and flicked water onto me.

I laughed, "I'm gonna get you for that!" I said flicking more water at her.

"Core! I'm all wet now!" Lanes said turning the faucet off and giggling.

"Sorry not sorry! Do you want one of my shirts?" I asked.

Lanes blushed, "S-sure!"

Lanes and I walked back to my room.

I opened a drawer of my dresser, grabbed a shirt and threw it at Lanes.

"Thanks.. I'm gonna go change." Lanes said grabbing it and walking out.

Laney POV

I walked to the bathroom to change my shirt, Corey gave me a black shirt with a skull on it, similar to the skull on his beanie.

I changed and looked in the mirror, his shirt was pretty big on me but in a cute way.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Trina walking down the hallway.

"Ew, what are you doing here, and junk." Trina asked me.

"I'm hanging out with Corey..?" I responded.

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