Chapter 2

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The following day everyone entered the great hall, instead of the four tables that were usually found, there was an assortment of couches and seats for everyone to be comfortable. Next to the couches there were small tables with small snacks and drinks. As everyone took their seats, Dumbledore approached the DVD player and picked up the CD box with the number one written on it. He paused unsure how to proceed, until Ted Tonks offered to help him set up the movie.

Once everyone was seated, the lights in the hall dimmed and the movie started playing. The screen showed the title of the first movie:

The Potter siblings and the Philosopher's Stone.

The Potters were confused, there hasn't been more than one child in the Potter line in three generations. Euphemia then realized that they had been thinking about past generations instead of future ones. The confusion on her face was replaced by a bright smile. Her husband and son looked at her confused, not understanding the reason behind her sudden mood change. She simply rolled her eyes before answering "they might be your kids Jamie" and she went back to watching.

It was nighttime in Surrey, the owl that was on the sign that said "PRIVET DRIVE" flew down towards a man dressed in crimson robes. The man walks forward, pulling out a rather weird looking device. When he opened it, the light that was shining within the streetlamp vanished. The man in robes turned and looked down at the cat that sat rigidly next to a shed.

"Minnie!" exclaimed the four pranksters excitedly.

The professor let out an exasperated sigh before turning towards the group and glaring halfheartedly, knowing that there was no use in scolding them.

"I should have known you would be here... Professor McGonagall" said the man in the robes. The cat kept looking at him, before she transformed, revealing Minerva McGonagall.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus?" she asked, her voice slightly shaking.

"What rumors" someone in the hall asked.

"I'm afraid so Professor. The good, and the bad" he answered solemnly.

"The boy and the girl?"

"Hagrid is bringing them"

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"

"I trust Hagrid with my life" Dumbledore assured the hall. Hagrid looked towards Dumbledore, teary eyed.

The sound of a motor engine drew the attention of the professors. The pair looked up to the flying motorcycle coming towards them. Once the vehicle came to a stop, the large man that was driving stood up and took off his goggles.

"I want one!" exclaimed Sirius excitedly.

"No!"  answered Remus, Euphemia, and Walburga simultaneously.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall" Hagrid greeted the pair.

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid" Dumbledore asked.

"No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Heh. Try no to wake him. But this cute little girl kept staring at me while chewing the ear of her dog toy. There you go."

Hagrid hands the two blanket covered babies to Dumbledore. Upon closer look, it was noticeable that both babies were wearing stag themed pajamas, while the boy held onto a stag toy, the girl kept shewing on her dog toy.

The majority of the females started to coo at the sight of the two babies, commenting on their cuteness, how their cheeks are just asking to be pinched.

Meanwhile, James was not able to take his eyes off the screen. The sight of the two kids wearing stag themed clothes, as well as having a stag and dog toys, warmed his heart in a way he couldn't explain.

"I have a hunch that they're mine" James commented to no one in particular, a dopey smile on his face. His family and friends exchanged looks and smiled at his behavior.

"I have no doubt about that sweetheart, the look exactly like you when you were a baby" his mother commented, earning a nod from her husband.

"Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them with these people? I've watched them all day. They are the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are..." Minerva said worriedly.

"They're the only family they have."

Both statements caused an outrage in the hall. Most pureblood families were outraged at the idea of leaving magical children at the mercy of muggles, claiming they should be with their parents instead of these muggles. Other people were outraged at the fact that the children no longer had a family, resulting in that family.

The family and friends of James Potter were all stunned into silence. What had happened for the kids to be left without a family? Where were their grandparents? Parents? Godparents?

"These kids will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names" Minerva argued.

"Exactly. They're better off growing up away from all of that. Until they are ready." Much to her dismay, Minerva helped Albus place the twins on the doorstep of their new home. When the two professors turned back, they were greeted with the sight of Hagrid sniffling. "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all" Albus consoled the half-giant. Albus then bends down, placing a letter on the bundles.

"Good luck, Thea and Harry Potter."

"Wait, you left my grandchildren on the doorstep?!" fumed Euphemia at the professor.

"Please tell me you at least placed a protective charm on them Albus" Minerva whispered to her colleague. When he didn't provide her with an answer, she turned to him, wide eyes, shocked by the carelessness of the man.

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