Chapter 14

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First-year students were in a classroom, with a short professor standing on a stack of books that were stacked on a chair. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting in the front row, whereas Thea was seated on the opposite side of the room, between two Slytherin boys.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" All the students nodded. "Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone." All the students took out their wands, copying their teacher. "The swish and flick" the professor repeated, showing the movement to everyone. "Good. Oh, and enunciate. Wingardium leviosa. Off you go, then."

Everyone, except the first years, were looking at each other and smiling, reminiscing the time they were in their place.

Everyone in class attempted to do the incantation, but none were succeeding. Ron, frustrated with the lack of results, started waving his wand frantically, causing an alarmed Hermione to stop him.

"No, stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eyes out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's levi-osa. Not levio-sar." She told him, looking smug and concerned.

Ron's face burned with embracement before he folded his arms over his chest and looked challengingly at the girl. "You do it, then, if you're so clever. Go on. Go on."

The girl took a deep breath, straightened her back, and got her wand ready. "Wingardium leviosa." The feather in front of Hermione started to float, rising higher and higher. Everyone in class watched the feather, utterly mesmerized.

"Oh, well done! See here, everyone. Miss Granger's done it! Oh, splendid!" Professor Flitwick beamed. "Well done, dear."

Beside Harry, Seamus Finnigan kept trying the incantation, and ended up mispronouncing the incantation. Instead of levitating, the feather exploded in the boy's face, burning off his eyebrows and covered him in ash. Thea rolled her eyes when she saw Hermione dusting herself off, even though she wasn't affected by the mini explosion that happened.

"I think we're going to need another feather over here, professor." Harry told the professor, who nodded.

Everyone burst out laughing at the incident. Professor Flitwick had buried his face in his hands at the sight of one of his future students.

On the other side of the class, Thea sat bored, her head perched on her hand, as she watched all the students around her fail to make the feather float. The two boys next to her were failing as well. The one on her right let out a frustrated sigh, while the one to her left just slumped in his seat.

"Pst, Potter." The one to her right whispered. She turned to look at him. "Why haven't you tried the incantation yet?"

"You won't make a fool of yourself. No one did it except Granger." The one to her left commented, joining the conversation.

"I know I won't embarrass myself. I just don't want to." Thea shrugged, earning a scoff from both boys. She rolled her eyes. "Fine then." She got her wand ready and lazily did the incantation. Simultaneously, all the feathers in the room started floating, catching everyone off guard. Both Slytherin boys were looking at the Potter girl, eyes wide and mouths agape.

While everyone cheered, the Potters looked proud, knowing that charms was one of the most famous magical skill their family was known for.

Professor Flitwick looked around the room, until his eyes landed on the trio in the back of the class. "Miss Potter," He called, catching her attention, as well as the attention of the rest of the class, "were you intending on levitating all the feathers, or was it an accident."

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