Chapter 28

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The scene changed, and campers were going back to their cabins after dinner. Loud roaring and screaming was heard from outside the barrier, catching the attention of all the campers. Everyone rushed to arm themselves and get to the entrance of camp as fast as possible. When they got there, they found a barely conscious boy, holding up a passed-out Grover. Annabeth and Thea rushed to the pair, holding them up.

"He's the one. He must be." Annabeth muttered to her friend and Chiron.

"Silence, Annabeth." Chiron started, "we must bring them inside camp before more monsters show up." Campers rushed forward leaving Thea and Chiron staring at the horn that was imbedded in the tree. Thea walked forward, inspecting it.

"It's just like mine." She turned back to Chiron, "the last time anyone saw the minotaur was when he attacked me back in England right before I came to America. He must be the one."

"Did she just say that she was attacked by the minotaur?"

"Why does she sound so casual about it?"

"Oh, my poor baby" Lily said, slightly tearing up.

The scene shifted, showing the boy from earlier laying in a bed, which looked to be the infirmary. Annabeth was seen feeding him something unknown, while Thea stood leaning on the door, arms crossed over her chest.

"He's been out for days! I just want to know what's happening on the solstice, is that too much to ask?" Annabeth exclaimed, exasperated.

"Easy girl, the kid's still unconscious."

"C'mon Beth, don't be like that. You'll know when he wakes up. Now come on, I wanna show you this new song I wrote last night." The blonde nodded, making her way out with her friend, but not before glancing one last time at the boy who was still sleeping.

The scene shifted, showing Thea standing in what looked like forges, next to a bulky boy with dark skin. The two seemed to be working on a project. The atmosphere of concentration was interrupted by Grover, who burst inside, informing Thea that the new camper was awake.

By the time the two got to the Big House, the boy was coming down the stairs. Thea leaned on the porch railing, watching the two "men" play a card game.

"Ah, good, Percy," Chiron said. "Now we have four for pinochle." He offered the boy a chair next to Mr. D, who looked at the boy with bloodshot eyes and heaved a great sigh.

"Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you" Mr. D grumbled causing Thea to smirk.

"He's an adult version of Thea! I'm living for that!" laughed Marlene.

Thea was finally able to get a good look at the boy. He was scrawny, black hair, and eyes that looked like they were housing an ocean in them. A confused look seemed to be permanently attached to his face.

"Annabeth." Chiron called her forward, the blonde stepped up confidently, "Annabeth, this is Percy Jackson. She's the one that nursed you back to health. And this, is Thea." He beckoned Thea forward. She stood up straight, head held high, a blank expression on her face. "Girls why don't you two go check on Percy's bunk. We will be putting him in cabin eleven now. The Potter girl made her way down the stairs, while Annabeth stayed, turning towards the new camper.

"You drool in your sleep." The blonde left it at that, running down the stairs as she dragged her friend away. Thea tripped over her own feet before matching the girl's speed. The two girls sat at the door Cabin eleven, waiting for Chiron and the new camper.

"I have master's archery class at noon. Would you take Percy from here?" Chiron requested. "Thea, you're more than welcome to join for sparring."

Thea smirked. "Thanks, Chiron. I already practiced this morning, but I'll swing by." The centaur beside Percy nodded.

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