Chapter 1- Two months later......

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HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!! This is it, the sequel!!! This is so exciting! On September 24, 2014, i posted the first chapter of my first story on wattpad and today, on July 15, 2015, almost a year later, i am posting the first chapter of the sequel!

and BTW, the AMAZING title and book cover were made by chasingwalkers, so this is dedicated to her! thank you for all of your help and support!

And the video on the top is sort of like the theme song to this story. It's Ed Sheeran's 'All of our stars.'

Paige's P.O.V

2 months after the incident

"MOMMY! SAVE DADDY!!" I shot up from my deep slumber, hearing Ava yell in her sleep. I got up and ran to her, taking her in my arms and smoothing her hair down.

"Shhhhh, baby. It's all gonna be okay." I told her, as she sobbed.

It had been two months already and Chandler still hasn't found us. We went to a five bedroom house that we had set as our emergency place.

It scared me, it really did. I tried to have faith, but it was just so hard.

"Do you want to come lay down with momma?" I whispered in her ear. She was always halfway to being a Mommas girl, but of course she was always a daddys girl. But she loved sleeping with me. We shared a room and we each had a bed, but mine was bigger.

She nodded, her head still in my lap. Her breathing was heavy and she was gasping for air while she sobbed.

I got off her bed and picked her up, laying her down in my bed. I zipped up her princess footie pajamas, back up to the top after some came undone.

I laid down next to her and covered us up, I pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, baby girl. Goodnight." I said to her.

"Wuv you momma. Goodnight." she said.

I told her to close her eyes and go to sleep as I tried to do the same. It was hard to sleep nowadays. But about ten minutes later, I saw her open her eyes, and I heard her sleepily whisper,

"good night, daddy. Wherever you are, I wuv you." and then she closed her eyes again and drifted off to sleep.

And it broke my fucking heart.


I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at the moon from the window, the curtains pulled back.

The sky was black and the moon was full, shining so brightly with the stars.  I sat down on the seat by the window and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my chin on my knees. I sighed, staring back at the moon.

"I miss you, chandler." I whispered, still staring at the moon. "please come back to me soon."


"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up mommy!!!!!" I shot my head up in surprise, seeing that it was morning and Ava was shaking me awake.

"Mommy!!!" she yelled, shaking me some more. God damn, this child is persistent.

"I'm up. Mommy is up." I said, sitting upright and rubbing my eyes. I can't believe I fell asleep at the window.

"Mommy, why did you sweep here." Ava asked. I pulled her up and sat her into my lap and sighed.

"well, mommy had a bad dream too, so I got up and looked it the window." I told her.

"Mommy, what was your bad dream about?"

"Well," I started, unsure of what to tell her. "it-it was about daddy."

"Mommy, I miss daddy." she cried.

"I know you do baby, I know you do." I told her, pulling her close to me.

"come on," I said, putting her down. "let's go get some breakfast."


Chandlers P.O.V

"Come on buddy, cheer up." I just continued to stare at the fire and ignore him.

"We'll find them Chandler." He assured me.

I was with Zac, a guy that I had run into. We were so close to where we were supposed to be. I had trouble sleeping at night, most nights I would lie awake and stare at the moon, wondering if Paige was starting at the same one at the same time. I wanted nothing more than to be able to kiss my daughter good night again.

Zac was nice, he had been alone for a while with his little sister. He was only thirteen when this started, but he was eighteen now. He started out with his family, but now they were all dead except for his little sister Allison, who was asleep now. I felt really bad for him. I had a family and he didn't anymore. Well, he did, but they're gone now. It made me feel selfish.

Allison was six when this all happened and she was only eleven now. She was such a sweet girl.

"yeah, whatever." I said, turning around and continuing to stare at the moon. I heard him sigh in frustration. I know I was being rude, and I know that he knew what it was like to be apart from his family, since his was dead, but I was just full of so much anger.

I need them back. I need my babies back.


It was about 2 in the morning and I was keeping watch when I heard a rustling behind me. I stood up, grabbing my gun and facing the direction where it came from, ready to kill some walkers.

But I was surprised at what emerged from the woods. It was a girl. She had her blonde hair in a ponytail, some small strands falling out and it looked like she had green eyes. I held my gun up to her, ready to kill her if needed.

"Oh shit! Is this the part where I beg for you to spare me my life? Am I missing it? Cause that's my favorite part!!" she said, sarcastically. She stepped closer  and I held my gun to her.

"Woah! Calm down, buddy!!" she said, pushing my gun down "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to join you. My name's Lauren." She said, shaking my hand. I was about to tell her my name, but she beat me to it.

"I know who you are. Your Chandler Riggs. From the walking dead. I loved that show. It's sure been a while. What, four years? Anyway, where's Paige?" She rambled. Man, she sure did talk A lot! I didn't answer her questions. I just said,

"You can sleep here tonight. We'll talk more in the morning about whether or not you can join us." And walked away.


I was right. Lauren had blonde hair and blue green eyes.

She was really nice. And, unfortunately, she was a talker. I wasn't really much of A talker nowadays.

Zac and I decided to let her travel with us, she seemed like a good addition.

"So, Lauren. Tell us about yourself." Zac said.

"Well, I'm 20, I'm not afraid of the damn walkers or whatever the hell you call them. I'm bold. You'd be surprised with what I can do. Um, that's pretty much all you need to know." She said.

We just kept loading our stuff in the car. Once we were done, I got into the drivers seat while Zac got in the passengers seat and Lauren joined Allison in the back.

"everybody ready?" I asked, getting a couple of nods and 'yeahs' in the process. "Alright. We're off." I said, pulling onto the road and driving off. I prayed that I would find my family again. I need them so much.


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