Bernstein was a young boy who lived with his mother, his mother was a woman of her ways and no one else's, everything little Bernstein did seemed like a crime to his mother, poor Bernstein never got a break but he accepted such a fate until he can leave. Bernstein is also with someone! a little girl named Betty. Betty and our boy Bernstein had a complicated past but they saw past it eventually. Bernstein currently feels as if he is having issues with everyone, Betty, his mother, and even his friends! Lil Ol' Bernstein feels under pressure, immense, devastating, pressure... Bernstein currently is rummaging threw the medicine cabinet to get pills, anti-depressant pills to be exact! Oh look at that, Bernstein found them, he seems rather ecstatic too, I would be too if I felt how little Bernstein felt. Bernstein doesn't feel anything anymore but anger, now Bernstein has ruined his relationship by getting into a nasty argument with Betty, and now he is fighting his friends! what a great sport Bernstein is. Oh, wait, what? that wasn't a part of the story? oh.. my bad, it's not a part of the story yet, currently, Bernstein is too busy at his computer, staring at it and lollygagging, oh he's just doing great for himself, good job Bernstein , your life totally isn't going to shit.