Chapter 1 Mystery

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"Damn," Chloe cursed upon hearing voices. She and Lucifer were in a warehouse searching for a missing child. She didn't have a search warrant but as usual, Lucifer had just snuck in when she was distracted and she had had to follow to keep him out of trouble. Now they were about to get caught.

"Quick in here." She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a large freezer making sure to jam something in the lock so it wouldn't fully close.

"Detective, I can't stay in here," Lucifer stated with a bit of panic in his voice.

"Shh, you got us into this, be quiet before you get us killed," she snapped at him.

She crept closer to the crack in the door but could barely make out the voices that carried from the other end of the warehouse, over Lucifer's heavy breathing. Anger washed over her, what was wrong with him, she turned to tell him to quiet down but stopped herself noting suddenly how pale he appeared. He sat huddled by a box, knees drawn up, arms wrapped around himself, his breath coming in short rapid gasps.

She went over to him; he seemed to be in some sort of distress.

"Lucifer, what's wrong?"

He didn't answer, his eyes flashed darkly at her. He shivered.

Granted it was cold but he had a suit on while she only wore a long tee and light pants, by all rights she should be the one shivering.

"Calm down, you're going to hyperventilate if you breathe like that."

"Well, then I hope you are prepared to give me mouth to mouth." He panted with a hint of a grin.

She heard the warehouse doors bang shut and quickly went to the door to listen. There were no more voices. She breathed a sigh of relief. "They're gone, come on let's get out of here," she ordered.

"Lucifer!" she glared at him when he didn't move.

Again nothing, no response.

She went over to him and kneeled. "What's wrong and why are you shivering? We haven't been in here long enough for this."

He looked at her in disbelief, and then gasped, "Perhaps not for your robust human form used to frigid temperatures but I'm from hell which is, I'm sure you've heard, rather toasty."

She rolled her eyes. "All the more reason to get out of here."

"I don't feel very well -- the hellfire in me is burning out," he murmured.

She sighed -- yet another reference to him being the devil. "Come on get up." She grabbed his arm and got him to his feet. He leaned on her as they exited the warehouse and made it over to where she had hidden the car. Her heart leaped, someone was there.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked in a demanding voice. The man was attempting to steal the car.

He jumped at her with a crowbar. She drew her gun but before she could fire a shot Lucifer had him by the throat two feet off the ground.

"Where is the child?" he snarled while staring at him intently.

The man, between struggles for breath, rasped, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Lucifer! Lucifer let go of him!" The intensity of the look in his eyes as he glared at the man frightened her. "Lucifer!" She put a hand on his arm, His eyes suddenly landed on her and he looked startled as if he had forgotten she was there. "Put him down," she advised calmly.

He nodded. "With pleasure." He threw him 15 feet where the man landed with a hard thump. Chloe ran to him. He was unconscious but his pulse was strong. She called backup and an ambulance. She turned back to Lucifer only to find him on his knees.

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