Chapter 7: Faith

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Chloe was on her fourth cup of coffee still feeling like a train had run her over when the call came in. A drunken frat party had taken place in a forest near the university. As the partygoers awoke this morning they realized one of the students was missing. A subsequent search had turned up the missing teen, his body partially burned; red-colored contact lenses had been placed in his eyes. A chill shook Chloe. It was as if someone wanted to tie Lucifer into these horrific scenes, mock him...or torment him.

She debated for a few moments if she should call him or not. She liked working with him but he was ill and had been rather distant last night maybe he should sit this one out. She convinced herself that was the right thing to do. It lasted as long as her shower then the guilt hit her. He had abandonment issues and if she suddenly shut him out, especially after he revealed himself to her what would that do to his psyche? She picked up the phone and called him.

"Detective!" He answered cheerfully. She frowned wondering what had improved his mood from the night before.

"I take it you're feeling better?"

"A few hours of deep sleep and I'm just like new again."

Chloe took another gulp of coffee. "Glad to hear it. Listen if you are up to it another body was found."

"Lovely -- I'll stop by to pick you up."

"No, wait...argh." He had hung up. Chloe exhaled. Lucifer drove way too fast for her comfort. She tied her long hair back, put on jeans, a black shirt, and a jacket, and went to the door just as he pulled up. Did his car have wings? She smirked - who knows after everything she had learned in the last day it may very well have some.

It was a gorgeous warm sunny day. He hopped out of the car and opened the door for her. She put her hand to his forehead. "You've cooled down from yesterday," she noted.

"Yes, back to my old self. Still hot though." He winked at her.

She rolled her eyes. He was feeling better. "I could have picked you up as usual," she explained.

He made a face. "Yes, but it would have taken forever. You drive like a narcoleptic sloth."

She raised her brow. "Excuse me; I was an elderly turtle last time."

"Hmm? Keep up Detective, both descriptions apply."

"Better a sloth or a turtle than some careening speeding death trap," she replied sourly.

"Now now, Detective, let's be civil." He grinned and sped through a yellow light.

"Slow down!" She yelled at him.

He grinned mischievously, put his foot on the brake, and sowed to a crawl. Horns blared as they crept along.

"Okay, now you are just being ridiculous." Her eyes flashed and she pursed her lips angrily.

"What? Now you are angry? I'm going even slower than an elderly turtle -- still too fast for you?" He looked wide-eyed and innocent for a moment before snorting a laugh.

She looked as if she was going to hit him. "Okay Detective no need to look so murderous." He sped up again going at a more reasonable speed.

They reached the forest and Lucifer hopped out looking around.

Chloe observed him for a moment. He looked like he had just stepped off a movie set or to the red carpet at some Hollywood premiere. He wore a dark gray suit. light shirt and expensive sunglasses.

He stopped and looked at her. "Come on Detective...chop-chop."

They came to a dead stop as they neared the body. Lucifer leaned closer. "What's this?" He looked at Chloe disturbed. "This is deplorable, is this supposed to be some representation of me?"

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