Chapter 11: Dark night part 2

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Chloe and Trixie were comfortably seated in the theatre waiting for the latest Disney fairytale to start. Trixie was excited as this one was about an independent princess who rescued animals from traveling circuses. Trixie loved animals. An elegantly dressed woman, likely in her late 60s or early 70s with a mane of black hair curly hair sat down beside Chloe. She smiled sweetly. "I find I have developed a love for fairytales." She spoke with a British accent which immediately made Chloe think of Lucifer again, which she had been doing practically non-stop all day.

"They are fun -- the storylines for the most part are far more intricate than they used to be. My daughter loves them - especially now with the princesses being so smart and independent," Chloe responded.

"Of course. Isn't it what we all wish for a happily ever after?" The woman stated, eyes twinkling.

"Yes but sadly it doesn't always work out the way we wish it." Chloe sighed.

"My dear, there are lots of handsome devils out there that I'm sure would be happy to have you in their lives," Her dark eyes while piercing sparkled with humor.

Chloe almost snorted at her reference to devils, if only she knew she already had a handsome devil complicating her life.

"Well, I guess we'll have to see what the future holds." Chloe laughed.

The woman held out a hand, glittering with sparkling rings. "My name is Lilian."

"Chloe. Nice to meet you."


Lucifer put his head down on his knees closing his eyes for a few moments. "A long time ago my mother was very angry at my father, he created more children without her..."

"He was unfaithful to her?"

"Something like that. Amenadiel - my brother and I were...young creations. Amenadiel was her favourite, you know the first born. I was perceived to be my father's favourite. She wanted revenge so I became her target as a way to get to my dad. But of course I didn't know this. I was happy to spend time with her. My mum is a very dynamic, independent, charming and at times loads of fun woman. She taught me to play the piano and other instruments. She made me see things in a different way. Things that made me challenge my dad. Dad and i had some epic fights that always ended with my punishment -- you know spare the rod kind of thing.... I resented him for his totalitarian viewpoints, he was difficult." he exhaled loudly.

"Would you like something to drink? I can make tea, coffee, I have water. Water would likely be the best to keep you hydrated." Linda offered wanting to ensure he wouldn't have any more panic attacks and stayed calmer.

He nodded. She got up and opened a bottle for him, setting it down beside him.

He drank thirstily. "I was still called Samael back then.

She was surprised he had said the name after his strong reaction when she had called him that during an earlier session. "Did she ever hurt you-physically?"

He trembled. "No, she didn't beat us if that is what you mean -- she could explode and read us the riot act - making us think we would be murdered at any moment - that only happened when we got out of hand," he grinned, "Which was rather often. But nothing worse than that."

Lucifer felt relieved at his words but disturbed that he had trembled. It was obvious that both of his parents had hurt him emotionally so she didn't bother asking about emotion.

Now came the touchy one. She hoped the answer would be a clear no. "While you were growing up did anyone abuse you sexually?'

He paled considerably. "NO! What a ridiculous question." His eyes sparkled angrily. "Why would you even ask me such a thing?"

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