Vance~ the other women

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But the other woman will always cry herself to sleep
The other woman will never have his love to keep
And as the years go by, the other woman
Will spend her life alone

My boyfriend Vance has been a lot distant. I'll see him in the hallway and he won't even acknowledge me. He will talk to anyone else and look at anyone else but me. I don't know why it's happening but it's making me worried.

Y/n pov:

I was at my house relaxing watching a movie when my phone rang. "Hello y/l/n residents how may I help you?" "Y/n! It's Finn. me Gwen robin and Bruce need to come over or your house right now! It's super important!" Finn said out of breath. He must have sprinted to his house to call me. "Ok ok! Come over soon." Finn hung up the phone in a hurry. Wonder what happened.

Finneys pov:
A few minutes before the phone call.
Me Gwen Robin and Bruce were walking to go surprise y/n with ice cream. As we were walking we saw Vance talking to Alice whose the really popular girl of our school. "Oh guys look it's Vance we should go say h-." But that's when we saw him lean in and literally make out. With Alice. All of our jaws dropped and we ran to my house because it was the closest and immediately called y/n once we arrived. Come on pick up pick up! "Hello y/l/n residents how may I help you?" "Y/n! It's Finn me Gwen robin and Bruce need to come over or your house right now! It's super important!" I said out of breath.. "Ok ok! Come over soon." I hung up the phone in a hurry all of us sprinting to y/n's house.

Y/n pov:
I was impatiently waiting for Finn and the others to come to my house when I hear ponding on my door. I rush up and run to the door. "HOLY SHIT!" I said seeing all of them out of breath. "Y/n. We. Have. To. Tell you. Something." Bruce said in between breaths "ok come in right now. We all sat down on the couch and robin started to talk. "So basically Me Gwen Finn and Bruce were walking to go surprise you with ice cream. When we were walking we saw Vance talking to Alice and finn said we should go say hi to him. But that's when we saw him lean in and make out With Alice. We ran to Finn's house because it was the closest and immediately called you." I couldn't believe it. I started to tear up and broke down. "Why would he do that to me?!?!?" I said crying into my hands. "I know y/n. He's a dick." Finn said pulling me in for a hug. Everyone else went in for the hug letting me sob on them.

Time skip to the next day:
My sadness quickly turned into anger so I was planning to beat the shit out of both of them today. I got ready for the day putting on this outfit.

 I got ready for the day putting on this outfit

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I didn't even eat breakfast. I was so filled with rage that I was ready to just get to school.

Once I got to school I walked down the hallway seeing Alice and Vance talking. I walked over to them clenching my fist. "Oh hey y/-." Vance said but I cut him off because I slapped him across the face. "Oh you did not just do that to him you bitch!" Alice yelled. She tried to swing at me but I ducked it and I kicked her in the stomach causing her to fall on the floor. I got on top of her and started punching her. "Don't. Ever. Fucking. Come. Near. Me. Again. You. Bitch!" I said in between punches. I was pulled off of her by Vance. My fist covered in blood and her face painted with blood. "Let go of me!" I yelled at Vance hitting him. He dragged me away to an empty classroom. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Vance yelled in my face. "REALLY?!?! WHATS WRONG WITH ME! I'm going to be honest with you because that's what people who care about each other do. This is something I've been dealing with for a long time and it's gone on long enough because honestly, it hurts too much. It's not fair. I'm holding on because I hope things will change, which is perfectly reasonable, but I can't change a person. I can't change you, and I can't change your situation. I can only change myself and the situations I choose to be a part of. You choose to let this nonsense continue and I've tried to understand and ignore it, but I can't anymore. If you wanted to move on, you could. If you wanted to change the dynamics of your relationship with this other woman, you could. I know you well enough by now to know that when you want someone out of your life, that's it they're out. You have had plenty of time to reevaluate your situation and the damage it does to yourself and other people. Why have you done nothing about it? . I want nothing more than to continue telling everyone to fuck off that they don't understand our relationship. You know why I stay, but I deserve to treat myself better. At the VERY LEAST, I deserve honesty from you. You like to use the reasoning that because I'm not technically tied to you relationship wise but the fact of the matter is we are in a relationship despite the fact that that is not the term you'd like to use. You've made it clear I am not talk to other guys or give them the tiniest bit of attention.I know you do it in jest but we both know some part of you would feel hurt if YOU found out I was sneaking around behind your back. So, why do it to me?

I know you have feelings for me, otherwise you wouldn't even bother with our relationship, but it worries me that this is the way you treat people you care about.

I've fought for you in the only possible way I know how by being there for you and loving you. But I realize I'm fighting a losing battle. You're everything to me and I'm not much to you. She's won. I do truly hope you understand this and try to see it through my point of view. And if I get nothing from you now, I never will. I want to know who she is, the part she plays in your life

I may forgive you, but I am not stupid enough to trust you again. Cheating on me was your choice, not a mistake." I said to him crying

"I don't think I can talk to you ever again." I said to him. I didn't even let him say anything I just walked away.


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