Books and joints - conrad fisher (S!)

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My favorite time of the year. I got to see the fisher brothers belly and CONRAD FISHER. I have had the biggest crush on him since I was 13. But so did belly

Me and my mom picked up belly, Steven and their mom on the way to the fishers home. While I mostly read the entire time.
When we pulled up to the house belly took no time to run out of the car. Jeremiah and Susannah were waiting outside for all of us and belly jumped into Jeremiah's arms.
When I got out of the car I took off my headphones and held my place in my book while I slowly walked to Jeremiah.
When he set down belly he slowly regained his composure and stared at me. Then before I knew it he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder laughing as he ran somewhere.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed
I couldn't see where he was going but he threw me down on a bed. That's when Conrad can rushing in.
"TICKLE MONSTERS" the both yelled.
As I quickly brushed the hair out of my face to see them hitting their chests like gorillas.
Then they pounced on me like cats and tickled me till I couldn't breath.
"STOP!" I yelled laughing
I started to kick to get them off me but I heard a loud hiss and the tickling stopped.
When I regained my composure I saw Conrad holding his stomach in pain.
"Did I hurt you?!" I asked
"Yeah." He said hissing
"Are you okay?" I asked but he didn't respond. Instead he just walked out of the room holding his stomach.

Hours later I was bored and wanted to read. I thought the beach would be perfect.
So I got read grabbed my book and ran down to the beach.
There was only about 6 people there. 1 person by himself. A family of 3 and one of 5.
I sat near the shore but not to where the water hit. But if you reached out and touched the ground the soft waves coming back and forth would hit your hand.
As I began to read I saw a shadow hovering me and they bend down to look over my shoulder to see what I was doing.
I looked up and it was Conrad.
"Oh hey!" I said "what are you doing here?"
"Nothing much just watching the water." He said sitting next to me pulling out a joint. When he stuck it in his mouth bitting the bud of the joint trying to cover his lighter so the wind wouldn't blow the flame out.
I began to read again as he started to smoke.
It didn't bother me too much but sometimes I wish he would stop. But that's none of my business.

About half an hour later I was completely lost in my book as the whole world went blank and the only thing I could do was read.
But I was snapped out of his by smoke hitting my face as I coughed.
I looked over to see Conrad still smoking and looking off at the distance.
He looked pretty.
I just stared lost in him.
"Take a picture," he said snapping me out of it.
"It'll last longer."
I went beet red. And went back to my book.
But I couldn't read. I just stared. Repeating the same sentence over and over again.

"What happened earlier, im sorry." He said
I looked up at him confused but he looked back this time.
"I over reacted." He said
"It's okay." I replied
It was silent for a second as we looked at each other. Occasionally I would look at his lips. But immediately would jump my eyes back to his.
"Are you okay?" I asked seeing as his eyes started to water.
"No," he said with a chuckle looking down at the sand and back at the water.
"You can tell me anything." I said
"I know but it's stupid. But you know I need to get this off me." He said looking at me as I nodded for him to continue.
I had never seen him cry before but I will be honest with you he is not an ugly crier.
"I thought I fell in love with a girl that I gave everything too. But I realized I only "fell" for her because I was trying to get over the girl I really fell for." He said as tears can falling from his eyes and his eyes bolted to the sky, to the water, to me and it repeated.
When he looked over at me again he kept his eyes on me.
"I fell for you." He said sobbing more as he gave me a sad smile trying to hide his feelings.
I just sat there staring. Unable to move.
But he got up and left whispering curse word as he left.

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