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Wei Ying kicked the Jingshi's door open, only to find the whole room already frozen, adding to his anxiety.

Without caring about his bone chilling surroundings, he ran towards Lan Zhan's bed chamber.

"LAN ZHAN!" He almost screamed when he saw Wangji shivering inside layers of blankets. He ran towards him and hugged the trembling Jade's freezing body from above the blankets.

"Xia..n g-gege... he-help." Wangji stuttered when he heard Wuxian's voice. Somehow, he felt relieved after hearing the elder's soothing voice.

"Yes didi. Gege will help you. Calm down." WuXian cooed before getting inside the blanket with Wangji.

He tightly hugged Wangji, trying to warm his with his qi. Foxes are known for their warm core, opposite to that of the icy one of a Jade dragon.

"G-Ge.. ah.. pain! Help gege!" Wangji whimpered in Wuxian's chest, nuzzling closer to the warm body.

"Shh... It'll be alright. Do you trust gege?" Wuxian whispered softly by his ears.

"Mn. Trus-trust gege... a-a lott." Wangji said through his gritted teeth.

Wuxian's eyes darkened at his words. He slowly laid Wangji on his back and hovered over him. 

"Then let gege take care of you Lan Zhan." Wuxian muttered darkly in his ears before capturing those cold plump lips between his own in gentle smooch.

Wangji hummed into the gentle kiss, feeling heat pool in his abdomen.

Wuxian tilted his head a little, deepening the kiss more, nibbling on the lower soft lip which was slowly turning warm under the pleasurable assault.

Wuxian bit his lip a little harshly, causing Wangji to gasp. Wuxian took the opportunity and slid his warm tongue into the cold cave, gently rubbing the hot muscle on the cold walls. 

WangJi let out an incoherent mewl at the weirdly good feeling of his mouth intruded like this.

Wuxian kissed Wangji with a maddening fervor while his hands hastily opened the younger's layered robes in few swift motion.

He reluctantly broke the kiss when WangJi gently slapped his chest due to lack of oxygen. He lifted his head, drinking in the beautiful masterpiece under him.

Wuxian has often fantasized about this. Wangji's naked body writhing, squirming and moaning under him but the real thing was thousand times more alluring than his fantasies.

Wangji's pale velvety skin looked worth ravishing. His heaving chest and erected buds were tempting him to taste every inch of his skin and claim him inside out.

His gaze trailed down to the younger's pink cock standing painfully erect. Wangji's thighs were glistening with slick. He was rubbing his thighs together to get some friction, making Wuxian's throat feel dry.

He grabbed the younger's both legs by the back of his knees and parted his legs wide, ogling the sight of the red glistening hole continuously oozing slick. 

Wuxian dived down and licked a long strip on Wangji's inner thigh, tasting the younger's love juices.

"Delicious." He whispered by Wangji's cold skin before starting to suck and bite the youngers sensitive skin, leaving pitiful bruises everywhere.

"Ahh.. Xian ge~" Wangji arched his back in pleasure.

Wuxian trailed his mouth towards his core before leaving cat licks on the younger's balls.

Wangji jolted at the feeling.

"Xian ge! No! Ahh!" He yelped.

"Shh.. You believe me Lan Zhan. So just relax." Wuxian husked while licking a long strip on the younger's flushed cock. 

Little Dragon's Big Bad Fox (XianWang)Where stories live. Discover now