Little Dragon's Big bad Fox~

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Sun rose the next day with everyone busy for preparing for the wedding.

But our lovely couple were sleeping soundly after their all night long everyday activities.

 Two naked bodies tangled with each other admist the crumpled bedsheets, Filtered rays of mild morning sun falling on their bitten and scratched skins, glistening it with a blissful warmth.

Everything felt so right.. 

So perfect..

It's not necessary that to get your love, your destiny, you have to suffer from immeasurable pain everytime. Sometimes, you just have to leave everything on fate and go with the flow, you will get your share of happiness.

Fate isn't always cruel.

WuXian was the first one to wake up today. He stretched carefully, not wanting to wake up his sleeping little dragon.

Wei Ying stared at his Lan Zhan with a sleepy smile before hugging him again, nuzzling into his warm neck.

"mmh... gege.." Wangji grumbled in sleep when he felt the familiar warmth enveloping his small delicate body again.

"Good *kiss* Morning Go Zai Zai. *kiss* My little dragon*kiss*." Wuxian cooed while placing feather kisses on the younger's whole face and neck.

"Urgh.. Lemme sleep you Big bad fox. You didn't let me sleep the whole night." Wangji whined, trying to turn his face away.

"Aiyaahh! Don't accuse me for everything! Who was the one  screaming for going harder and faster?" Wei Ying tried to prove his innocence.

Lan Zhan snapped open his eyes at shameful words.

"Shut up gege!" He snapped before covering his face with the blanket.

Wuxian huffed out a laugh at his mate's cuteness.

"Whaaat~  You know I'm not lying Lan Zhan. Then why does Go Zai Zai want's gege to shut up?" Wei Ying teased with a mischievous grin.

"Gege shameless." Wangji spat from under the blanket, earning a melodious giggle from his fox.

"But you love this shameless gege Go Zai Zai. Isn't it?" WuXian while hugging Wangji's body from above the blanket.

They rattled and teased and bickered and cuddled among the dirty white bedsheets until they heard a knock on the door.

"Wei Gonzi, your parents and grandmother has arrived in Cloud Recesses." The Lan disciple informed.

Lan Zhan was the first one to reply.

"We'll be their in a while." He said, dismissing the disciple.

They both got up from the bed, but the younger looked nervous.

WuXian, who noticed this, engulfed his little one in a warm hug, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Let's get ready Go Zai Zai. I'm sure our family will be really excited to meet you." He cooed in the younger's ear.

Wangji nodded a little in the embrace.

Time Skip.

They both walked towards the guest Lanshi, where the Wei Changse, Changse Sanren and Baoshan Sanren were greeted and attended by Lan Xichen and Qiren.

"Grandma! Mamma! Papa!" Wuxian hopped in their embrace like a bunny.

"Aiyah! Tùzǐ.. You are going to be a husband. Stop being childish." Baoshan gently chided when her grandson snuggled in her grey hairs.

"But XianXian is just three!" Wuxian whined, making everyone chuckle. 

Little Dragon's Big Bad Fox (XianWang)Where stories live. Discover now