Convincing the old goatee 🔞

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It's been a week since Lan Zhan's frost started, and the couple hasn't been out of Jingshi for the whole week. Their food was delivered on the chamber doors by Xichen himself which was received by Wuxian, who fed his lovely little mate with his own hands. 

No one was allowed to roam anywhere near Jingshi as per Wei Ying's order, because he didn't wanted anyone else to inhale his ethereal mate's otherworldly scent which was wafting in the air around Jingshi.

Wuxian took full care of his mate, giving in to his beloved desires with the same fervour, knotting him again and again for countless times till Wangji was leaking with his seeds. He would clean Wangji, change the bedsheets and feed his little dragon with his own hands before cuddling him to sleep for some rest as Wangji would wake up after every few hours due to his frost waves and ask the elder to make love to him, which Wuxian would gladly comply to.

Their mating marks on each other have also become extremely prominent, proving their love and desire for each other .

Lan Zhan had a beautiful nine tailed fox mark on his back between his shoulders, While Wuxian had an ethereal dragon mark on him

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Lan Zhan had a beautiful nine tailed fox mark on his back between his shoulders, While Wuxian had an ethereal dragon mark on him.

They were both sleeping in each other's warm embrace, Wuxian spooning Lan Zhan, when the younger stirred up feeling warm puffs of air on his ears

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They were both sleeping in each other's warm embrace, Wuxian spooning Lan Zhan, when the younger stirred up feeling warm puffs of air on his ears. 

But what jolted him awake was the slow stiffening of his alpha mate's monstrous cock inside him, making him realize that they were still joined down there as Wuxian hadn't pulled out after their previous knot subsided.

"Umm... Xian gege.. ngh... a-alpha..?" He mewled at the feeling of the hot thick rod stretching his insides deliciously.

"Hmm.. Go Zai Zai.." Wei murmured, still in sleep. 

Lan Zhan tried to get free from the elder's grip, moving his body in the process, causing the already rock hard shaft of his Big fox stir inside him, directly massaging his prostate.

"Ahmm... gege...~" He whimpered in pleasure, causing the elder to stir up from his sleep.

"Lan Zhan?" WuXian slurred groggily. He tried to open his eyes and stir up, only to cause his dick go deeper into the warm hole, earning a loud gasp followed by a breathy moan.

Little Dragon's Big Bad Fox (XianWang)Where stories live. Discover now