Good News

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"Maybe you remember Changse Sanren?" Wuxian whispered menacingly.

Lan Qiren felt his blood turning cold at the name of his ex classmate and this rascal's mother.

She was no different from her son, a rebellious scoundrel, yet exceptionally genius at studies. But some of her mischiefs were even more fatal than her own son's.

She used to secretly change their master's (Lan Qiren's father) teaching scroll with a porn book. No one would suspect that a girl could do such a thing. She once painted the face of Lan elders on the outer entrance of gusu when they weren't allowing her to enter inside after 7 P.M. She added chili oil in Gusu dishes, causing ingestion to all the Lans. Once, She even put Qiren's father's goatee on fire when he was meditating. But yet no one dared to throw her out because-

1. She was exceptionally good in everything.

2. Nobody ever found any proof that those things were done by her.

3. She is the daughter of immortal Baoshan Sanren and nobody dares to mess with the strongest cultivator's daughter.

But the thing that makes Qiren scared of her is not her mischievous nature and rebellious acts, but a secret she knows about him.

She once caught him in the back hills of Gusu with Jiang Feng Mian...

....In a not-so-appropriate situation.

Since then, whenever she wanted anything, she simply ordered either him or Feng Mian to do it, knowing that these two upright and innocent looking boys would never want something like this about them to go out.

'Did she tell her son?' He gulped at the thought. Sweat beads started forming on his forehead.

Sensing the elder's uneasiness, Wuxian knew that he hit at the right place.

"Soo... would you like her to come and talk to you about my and Lan Zhan's union?" He suggested cheekily.

Qiren looked like a rat trapped in a cage. He was absolutely speechless.

"Uncle?" Lan Zhan's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Uh.. ye-yes Wangji?" He stammered, earning a worried look from his younger nephew.

"Are you okay uncle? You look pale." Wangji stated his worry.

"Uh.. ahem.. I-I am alright Wangji. I was just thinking about the preparations we have to do for your marriage." Qiren stated hastily, earning a victorious shit eating grin from the cunning fox.

"Huh.? Uncle? I-It means you accept us?" Wangji asked, excitement and happiness clearly evident in his voice.

"Yes Wangji. Only because you love him and you both have already mated and marked each other." Qiren excused.

'It's not like I have a choice..' He thought.

"Thank you uncle." Wangji bowed happily. Wuxian too bowed down, but not before throwing another smug smirk towards the old goatee.

Qiren averted his gaze from the outrageous fox.

"We go now Master Qiren. You must be having a lot of preparations to make. Don't worry. I'll write to my mother to arrive here as soon as possible to help you." Wuxian remarked amusedly before he picked Wangji in his arms again and walked out of Lanshi.

Qiren could do nothing but glare at the shameless fox's retreating back disdainfully. 

"Damn these mother-son!" He cursed under his breath, breaking the rule of prohibition on cursing by Lans.

Little Dragon's Big Bad Fox (XianWang)Where stories live. Discover now