Chapter 1: Getting to know the Royalty

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The three went to the prince's room and sat on his table. The Prince said to the Guest, "Let me take you to your seat." "Thank you, my liege!" Replies the Composer. "Call me Frederick from now on, Sir. Foster." Says the Prince.

"Speaking of Foster, are there any royals that have a family name of Foster?" Asked the Royal's Composer to the Foreign Composer.

"I'm not of royal descent." Foster responds.

"But you are a sir, aren't you not?" He questions Foster.

"I was knighted back in England before I left for my travels in this continent. Such stuff that causes a mere riot makes you entitled to be a 'Sir' seems like a funny thing to me, if I may say so." He sarcastically commented.

"So you are not a Noble by birth?" Asked the Royal Composer.

"Shut it, Peter! Let the man be and you shall not go and Intrude on his personal life." The Prince said to his Composer.

"I am not a Nobleman by birth. But if you count being a nobleman as 'a person owning a land' then I'll be a nobleman." Foster replies.

"Speaking of land, does your land span in quite a wide range?" The Prince asked Foster.

"Are you serious? You told me to not go and Intrude on his personal life and you, Sire are doing it to him?" Peter said to his Liege in quite the attitude.

"Oh please, I'm the prince and next in line to the throne, and I have the authority to exile you Mister Peter, so shut it." The Prince playfully responds back.

"Sorry about that, anyways, about that land. Does it encompass a large space?" The Prince asked Foster.

"Well, It's not too small and not too big. It is a suitable land to raise a flock of sheep and roam about the place." Replies Foster

"By that, is your land suited for farming?" Asked again, the Prince.

"You could start a garden in the place and farm fresh tomatoes; presumably, I haven't really done farming nor have an Interest in gardening." The Composer replied.

"Well, you should try it sometime. It's quite fun seeing you plant a little seedling and have it sprouted its fruits after some time of patience and considerable effort in watering it every morning." The Prince excitedly responded.

"Sounds like a lot of Labour and Waiting for a measly bit of crops, I could just buy a whole lot for a Shilling." The Composer added.

The Royal Composer adds to the conversation, "May I add something about the Hobby of Gardening?" The Prince Reluctantly Agrees.

"Gardening can also be inspirational due to the splendour in being a part of creating life from the soil and water." The Royal Composer Stated.

As they converse about Gardening, a Guard knocks on the Prince's Door. Summoning the Prince ordered by his Mother, the Queen Consort.

All stood quickly and marched into the Queen's Chamber.

A Guard yells out "Presenting! Sir. Robert John Erwin Foster!" The Three enters and proceeds to bow in respect as the guard leaves the Chamber.

"Welcome Sir. Foster, we are glad that you accepted our invitation — and to be performing here in Berlin later this week." The Queen said to Foster.

"It is an honour, Your Royal Highness, to be invited and to be performing here in your realm." Foster responds to the Queen.

"How has your stay here been so far?"

"It's been Lovely, Your Royal Highness, the sightings on the way were marvellous."

"Glad to hear it then. Also, I heard you've been here before?"

"Indeed, Your Royal Highness. I was here during the Festivities in October, been quite drunk for some time before I headed to Austria."

"I guess you met my relatives?"

"Sure did, Your Royal Highness. They sure are a kind bunch, even giving me a really fast and gorgeous steed."

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