Chapter 1

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                 A woman was riding a  vehicle at a normal speed when suddenly at an intersection a truck at a fast speed charged towards her vehicle. She couldn't reacted at a fast speed so she was only able to reduce the momentum of her vehicle to reduce the impact. But she couldn't avoided it totally so her car was still damaged greatly.
        During that time all she could think was that she failed as a mother cause her child couldn't even see the world. She felt sad but still accepted the fact that her time has come. Maybe it's because she has been too tired and hurt lately that she was even glad that she's about to leave this world.
       Thankfully her car didn't flipped over but was only pushed by the truck till it collided with the tree at a fast speed so the front side of her car was damaged badly but she could still hear the voice of other people rushing to helped and some called the ambulance.
       She could hear a person asking if she could hear her and to stay conscious till the ambulance come. She knew her time was almost up but she still wanted to hear the voice of the person whom she loved with all of her heart. 
      So she asked that person who talked to her just now if she could take her phone and call her husband in a very soft voice as if  she using her remaining breath to speak.
     The person told her not to speak and to conserved her energy but Lia knew she have very limited time so she plead in a soft voice, " Please..... "
    The person couldn't bear it so she agreed and searched for Lia 's  phone and founded it in Lia's side pocket so she dialed the no. that Lia told her but no one picked the call so it went to a voice mail. Lia decided to just say her final words before she leave this world, "Derick..... I don't know.. If you will hear this message but I'm going.... Cough....  Ahead with our child... Cough.... Sorry for... Cough... Not.. Keeping my promise.... I guess... I'm just tired now... Cough... And want to... Rest... So take... Cough... Care... Of yourself... "
         The lady who was holding the phone for her couldn't helped but tear  up when she heard Lia's words. She try to call again but no one answered the call no matter how many times she tried so she was really angry at Lia's husband.
     She told Lia to conserved her energy and not to talked anymore but Lia just thanked her and gave her a weak smile.
    During her last breath, she was disappointed in her husband for the first time since they were together and thought that she's really tired and just want to rest. But before she died she whispered softly, " I'm sorry... My baby.... For.. Not able.. To show... You the... World. "
       With that she finally breathed her last and the people near Lia were sad cause they heard her last message. During the time she said her last message the lady beside told them to keep quite and as there was only a few of them near the scene so it was really quiet.
          There was solemn silent even during the time the ambulance came and even when the doctor take Lia's pulse for it was a minute ago a mother and her child left this world.
On the other side:

        A man was sitting on a sofa doing work while a woman was sitting beside him with a big smile. He glanced at her and asked her, " What makes you so happy? "
    She behaves coquettishly and answered, " I'm happy because an annoying  fly is finally gone and won't disturbed my life anymore. "
    He smiled at her and asked, " Why? Did it go on a vocation? "
   She leaned closed to his ear and answered, " You could think it that way. " She's trying to seduced him but he always draw a line with her and despite having an affair with her he have only kissed her cheek at most. She was really angry but she always pretended to be humble and didn't forced him.
        But for the first time he allowed her to be closed to him and she was about to kissed him when his phone rang beside her. He stopped her and picked up the call while walking behind the sofa, " Hello assistant Yan. "
      Assistant Yan was sure that Derick haven't heard the news with regard to his wife. He informed the news with a hint of sadness in his voice, " Sir, madam... She.. "
         Derick was angry at assistant Yan for talking so slowly but he heard something about Lia so he thought that maybe she went to the company again so he interrupted him, " If Lia come to the company tell her to go back and not to wait for me. "
     Assistant Yan was angry at his boss and didn't understand why he could possibly cheated on such a loving and caring wife. So he informed him quickly, not wanting to conversed with him any longer, " Sir, madam met with an accident and died on the spot. "
       Derick couldn't digested the news quickly but as soon as his brain digested the information properly he couldn't stand still and his legs suddenly feel so weak. He almost collapsed if not for the sofa behind him.

       Assistant Yan decided to informed him out of kindness, " Madam was taken to the city hospital so sir should go and checked. "With that he cut the call.
      Derick was still shocked but took his car keys without turning back. He run towards and didn't even glance at the woman behind him talking to him and even calling his name behind.
    Throughout the ride, the only thing that was on his mind was the word that his Lia 's dead. He couldn't accepted that  and thought that maybe assistant Yan was playing a prank at him. So he decided to go to the hospital to checked whether it's true or not.
        As soon as he reached the hospital he asked around and found out where Lia was. But as soon as he reached he saw the name of the room in big bold letters as if to taunted him " MORTUARY "
      He  entered inside and at a corner people were surrounding the body. All of them were crying and he moved towards them with heavy steps. As soon as he reached near them he saw her as if she's only sleeping  peacefully but her face was devoid of any colour.
    He walked near and hold her hand and said, " Lia please wake up. Don't play a prank with me. I promise I won't do it again and you can.. Sniff... Punish me however you want... Please.. Sniff... Wake up... "
      Next moment he was pulled away from her and a crisp sound could be heard echoing in the cold room.

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