chapter 5: a seed of doubt.

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Derick pov~

When I opened my eyes what greeted me was the white ceilings and light so i looked around and saw my hands with an iv drip.

So i guess I'm at the hospital and yesterday I was too engrossed in my guilt towards Lia that it overwhelmed me to the point that it started to suffocated me.

I remember I was at a cafe so i guess some kind person send me to the hospital.

I was about to sinked into my thoughts again but i was interrupted by an attending doctor with some nurses following him.

" You are awake. How do you feel?", he asked me.

My throat was dry so i couldn't answered properly, "I'm feeling ok but my body feels heavy for some reason."

The nurse walked to the table on the side and poured a cup of water and gave it to me.

She helped me to adjust the bed to a sitting position and after she's done I took the cup of water from her and quench my dry throat.

The doctor started to list some things to be noted, " You have been unconscious for a day. You have been too stress and lack proper rest. It seems your emotions are also unstable so i suggest that you should visit a psychiatric. "

He was rambling about many things but none enter my ears. I was too tired and my brain just won't take in the information that he's talking at the moment.

The only thing that was on my mind right now was how betrayed I felt by the things that happened around me. I felt like I was caught in a web of lies created by someone who wants my relationship with Lia to break apart.

I have to investigated so many things about the people around me especially about the anonymous mail that i got before I started to doubt my innocent Lia.

I guess at some point I finally accepted that Lia did not cheat on me and she was just a pawn for someone in a big game of chess.

I know I have been a jerk and i only realised how precious she is when I finally lost her. I know I don't have a second chance to make it right to her since I lost already but the only thing I can do now is to take revenge on the person who start this game of chess with our life.

The doctor left at some point with his concluding words being that I still need to be in observation for the rest of the day. I guess I'm staying here for a while before I could continue my investigation.

I hope my PA already has a progress with his investigation that I asked him to do.

I dozed off while still thinking about my plan for revenge.

The next day.

I was finally allowed to be discharged so my PA came to deal with the discharge procedure and after he was done with that i asked him to take me to the company.

I asked him about the investigation progress and he told me that the reports have already been placed in his office.

Assistant Yan(Derick's PA) pov~

I've been working with CEO Derick since the beginning of the company. I was there with him through thick and fall. Though he was rumoured to be a cold and cruel CEO but he know he can also be naive sometimes when it comes to dealing with his emotions.

I met his late wife Lia she was the opposite of the CEO. She was kind to everyone, a happy and helpful person.
Before I thought she didn't deserved the CEO cause she looks naive and too kind to be honest that it seems like everyone can take advantage of her kindness but I was proved wrong after knowing her.

She was a strong woman and she is a gold medalist in her degree. She took finance and marketing as her degree. After knowing her I realized the CEO may be the person who doesn't deserved her.

It was only during her funeral I realized she was the daughter of the CEO's of the Z company who are more rich and is one of the biggest company compared to us. She was the only daughter and her family doted on her. She would have Inherited the company along with her brother if not for her falling in love with CEO Derick and leave everything behind for him.

I heard she even got on a fight with her parents due to them opposing on their relationship.
They threatened her that if she marry CEO Derick then they will not talked to her and let her fend for themselves.

I guess Lia was naive at that time and thought that with love everything is possible. Though it was true but she just didn't expect that same love broke her apart.

While investigating the things in the past I found out that Lia suffered from a depression for a while now. She start showing symptoms 6 months ago. Her depression was getting severe according to the report but 3 months ago she started going for treatment actively. Her medical report shows she was 3 months pregnant.

All these things were in the file that I compiled for CEO Derick. I hope he find the culprit fast .

Third person pov~

I was feeling happy with how things are going on but I feel like these days CEO Derick emotions is very unstable.

He keeps on shouting on us and make us work overtime. I guess that's his way of coping with sadness. I heard he lost his wife in an accident so he's torturing himself and us too with work.

Today when he saw the file on the table he was so angry that we could see a black cloud covering the top of his head. No one dare to approached him but just decided to do their jobs properly or else they will suffer CEO Derick's wrath.

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