sully's meeting

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°•. ┊ Wildest Dreams ┊.•°
✧ ˚ ━ burning red, act one

CHAPTER ONE — sully's meeting

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CHAPTER ONE — sully's meeting

I click through my lesson plans for the day, making sure that everything's right, while sipping my morning coffee on the back porch. My peaceful morning is interrupted by a loud yelling from inside, informing me that Maya is awake and ready to give me a run for my money. I rise to my feet and head in, finding my daughter in the arms of my best and oldest friend. "Well, hello." A smile forms on my face, at the sight of the pair. "Baby, go get dressed." Bradley sets her down and she runs up the stairs, hopefully to do as I ask and not get distracted by a number of other things. I leap into the man's arms, catching him off guard, as he laughs and moves his arms to wrap around my frame.

    "I missed you too, Sully." He releases me after a moment and I lead him into the kitchen. The man immediately opens my cabinet and moves things around, until he locates his mug, sliding it down to me. "So, did you get the call? You may have quit, but you're the best pilot to come out of our class. No one can argue that. Except for Hangman, but he's an idiot so it doesn't count." My body tenses at the callsign, before I walk towards him, placing the cup in his hands.

    "I didn't get the call because I quit, B." I huff, leaning on the counter across from him. "I was asked to come in for some meeting with Simpson, but that's later today. Which is forcing me to waste my back to back free periods on some ridiculous conversation instead of using it to watch Netflix."

    "How will you survive?" Sarcasm evident in his tone, causing me to roll my eyes. "You know, if you said to me that you were gonna be an English teacher, I would have laughed in your face. But I guess it makes a little sense." Thankfully, this discussion is cut short, when Maya slides into the room requesting a bowl of cereal. I don't get a chance to move, before it's Uncle Rooster to the rescue. He gets the blonde her breakfast and even sets her up in front of the TV where I had Tangled paused. The best thing about being a mom is that you don't have to grow up so fast or rather you get to actually enjoy all the things you took for granted as a child. And getting to shamelessly watch Disney shows and movies. I lean against the doorway, watching the pair with a smile. "She likes me better than you."

    "Yeah, I know." I look at him. "But she loves me more, so suck it." Heading outside to finish my previous act, polishing off the lesson and closing my laptop. I get my things together, so that I can just grab it and go later. "I'm gonna go finish getting ready." I inform the pair who're entranced by the movie in front of them, causing a breathy laugh to escape my lips, as they completely ignore anything I've said. I rush up to my room, replacing my pajama bottoms with jeans, and tossing on the cardigan that's laying on my bed. I slip on a pair of Docs and apply my mascara, fixing my hair a bit, and returning to my favorite people. I grab the two mugs off the counter and drop down on the other side of Brad, handing him his cup, as the three of us finish Tangled. "Alright, we gotta go. Get your bag." I instruct her and she hands me her bowl, doing just that. "I know that you'll make yourself at home, so I don't have to tell you that. Maya gets picked up by Amelia and they go to Penny's until my shift at the bar ends. I've got a meeting to go to after school, so I'm gonna be going straight from there to the bar. You're gonna come keep me company, right?"

    "I'll be there." After he responds I pick up my bag, giving him a quick side hug, and wait for Maya to run out to the car. I drop her off at school and make my way to the high school, starting my day. The morning blows by quickly and soon enough I'm back in the car, driving to base. I walk through the building slowly, surveying the number of photos on the walls, and having memories play in my mind of my time spent here...

"You know what, Hangman? Leave me the hell alone. Seriously, I'm beginning to think you're obsessed with me" The statement starts harshly, but my tone becomes teasing as I turn to look at him.

"Well, maybe I am obsessed with you." His words catch me off guard and I stare up at the man, dumbfounded. A smirk pulls at his lips and he approaches me slowly, gently wrapping his arms around my waist. "Every. Part. Of. You." He backs me into a wall and inches closer to my face with every word. He catches my lips in a hungry kiss and my hands fall onto his biceps, steadying myself against him. My phone goes off and against everything in me, I remove myself from the man to check it. It's my little brother. The message is vague and slightly cryptic, but what I ultimately get from it; is that he needs me to pick him up from I spin around to face him, catching his eyes on my ass, and scolding him for it.

"I have to go." Shoving my phone into my back pocket and pulling the strap of my bag over my shoulder. I re-approach the man, wrapping my arms around one of his, leaning up and placing my lips against the edge of his ear. "But I'll come find you later."

A smile is on my face, as I remember the first time Jake and I kissed. The beginning of it all. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, as I chew on it nervously. I'm removed from my reminiscing when a man in uniform, which is just about everyone here, grabs my attention and leads me to a massive conference room. I step inside and find Simpson, Bates, and Maverick with their eyes on me. Yikes. I haven't seen Mav since Lilith left. Mainly because I have loyalties and they lie with Bradley. And it would've been too hard to see him since he was the one who gave me the letter; a letter that made my heart stop and set my world off balance. "What can I do for you gentlemen?" The question comes out short and to the point.

"Lieutenant Rivera, or Nova, as you're more widely known." Simpson starts, rising to stand at the opposite end of the table instead of sitting. "Pleasure. Have a seat, please." Reluctantly, I pull out a chair and drop down, waiting for whatever they have to say. "We want you to work with Maverick to prepare a number of pilots for a mission we've got coming up. They're the best of the best."

"So then why do they need us?" I lean forward onto my elbows.

"You were the top of your class. And it wasn't because you followed all the rules." Bates says, having a more welcoming energy compared to Simpson's. "The two of you are exactly what the Navy wants and what these pilots need. Here's who we called in." As our attention is directed towards the screen, I see a lot of familiar faces. Two faces of people I haven't seen or spoken to in years. Lilith and Jake. Fantastic. It's nice to know that she's alive. I feel myself chewing on my bottom lip once again and the nervous tick seems to be occurring a lot today. It seems as though my hesitation is obvious to the men around, so they say that Mav and I have time to think about it. And with that the meeting comes to an end; they refrain from giving us a ton of details about the mission and make sure that we understand we're not to disclose any information we have been given. I make a quick and swift exit, avoiding Pete entirely, and returning to the school, spending the remainder of my classes distracted by their proposal.

[word count: 1401]

lexi's letters; let the games begin!! i'm so excited for this book. genuinely haven't been this motivated for a story since the first act of daylight :))

 genuinely haven't been this motivated for a story since the first act of daylight :))

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